
This is a picture of our gate several hours ago and rising steadily. Pulled our cars out of the yard and hoping the 3 high waters spots don't wash out the road and the bridge to the livestock holds. Will be really cool AS LONG as nothing harmful, right
There's a small pond in my run right now.... yuck. Poop mixed with dirt and water and all the chickens just sloshing around. The pheasants are none too happy either, but boy! Are the ducks in heaven! Sloppy water everywhere to snarffle in.... and no need to worry that the chickens will be drinking their nasty backwash.... oh, wait... they are still snarffling the chicken's water too! All this rain and not a drop of "clean" water to be found. Nasty ducks! (But I love 'em anyway! Tho I would love them more if they would lay a dang egg)
My kids have had cabin fever!!! Snow, sun, snow, sun, rain, snow, sun...... ALL IN 1 DAY!!!!
Wonderful Pacific Northwest weather!!!!
Snow would start to stick and by the time the kids finished what they were doing and got all their snow gear on the frigin snow was melted!!!!
They are 7 and 5 and driving me bonkers!!!!

Last night was the first "real" accumulation we saw in aloha and of course it happened at 12am.
So in the middle of the night I woke my kids up to go play in the snow.....
By 2 am the rain again and the rivers started down the roads!
Now I have water accumulating under my house

and in the yard (or swamp) and in the chicken run and the rabbit pen and.... Arizona is looking good right now! lol
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Hi I hope all you OR peeps are doing ok. We currently have 17" of snow. All of my outdoor runs were flattened this morning but after 3 1/2 hours of working I was able to get them cleaned off and it looks like I can salvage nearly everything. We have also been with out power since 7:00 am. Currently running on a small generator. I can't run much but we have TV, Satellite rcvr, lights laptop and internet. What more does a gorgeous girly like me need. Just hoping it stays just warm enough that our water supply doesn't freeze while power is out. I do have pics posted on the WA thread.
Take care peeps, stay warm and BE SAFE! ! ! !
OK I couldn't resist. Here is Quincy our Aussie.

Awww...Quincy's so handsome!! And such a sweet boy!!!
Just checking in on my fellow Oregonians with all this lovely weather...
We had our barn roof collapse in yesterday, thankfully on the storage/equipment side, so the animals are safe. But looks like we lost quite a bit of equipment, etc. Won't know how much until everything dries out a bit. We will have to tear down and rebuild the barn in the Spring, as it's pretty much totaled.

Had trees fall through parts of my back fence line, and also take out a gate. But all of us are safe and sound, animals included, so I am grateful for that! Hope you all are staying safe, and aren't dealing with much or any storm damage. Hang in there peeps!

This is a picture of our gate several hours ago and rising steadily. Pulled our cars out of the yard and hoping the 3 high waters spots don't wash out the road and the bridge to the livestock holds. Will be really cool AS LONG as nothing harmful, right
Wow! Hope things are okay for you... Don't need any "natural" ponds/swimming holes added to the property!!!
Turner is shut off....no one in, no one out.

Most of my 7 acres are under water, driveway has about inch of water on it,
and we are not done yet,,
I am hearing another 2 inches could fall before tomorrow

Wow everybody...just...wow. I am so sorry for those that have damage from this weather. I feel SO fortunate that the worst I've had to deal with thus far is a half-flooded dog yard! But we are on high ground far above the river that's behind our house...if we were in danger of serious flooding from that river, I'd be waiting for Noah to float by on an Ark...

Stay safe everyone, I'm glad to hear so far that nobody's animals have been lost or injured in all of this!
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The weather is nutty. The Marcola valley my buddy lives in has been evacuated by state police. A lot of homes and livestock in that valley. Its suppose to crest about 9pm tonight. He was contacted at 5am so plenty of time to better prepare. A co-worker of mine who lives on a hill within the valley was told, either go find a different place to live for a few days or get your family and stock up on what you would need to live powerless for a week and hunker down.

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