
When you make a post, click on the left most icon in the right most icon block at the top. It has a pic of a sun and a house on it.

It will bring up a screen that asks you where you want to upload the pic from, and will upload and post it at the same time.
best of luck to all those who had to endure the storms..
we will keep our shoe laces crossed for you all

congrats on all the new chickies

today I let the 2 BLR wyandotte pullets out to free range in the yard
today with the RIR bantam ..
it was better than WFC....

that little red hen pulled 2 tail feathers out of poor little holly ~who is almost 1.5 times bigger than red..wow chicken drama who knew!
In the same group that has the smiley face, the icon clear to the left is the button to insert pictures. (I had to increase the "view" to about 200% to see a house on the icon.)
If you put your arrow over it, it says "Insert Image".

Hope all of you that had flooding/power outage problems are getting help. Think we are still supposed to get rain through Thursday, and then it's supposed to clear up (in SW Oregon, anyway), so saying prayers that you all stay safe and warm. We definitely need the rain, but not all in 1 week or less.
ok. the picture posting icon does not work for me on my phone. ggrrrrr. irritating.
Anyways. went to get 4 bcm's today. Came home with 4 black coppers, 1 blue copper, 4 lohmann browns and 1 lavender orpington. woohooo
LOL at the increasing 200% to see the house on the "insert pic" icon. I'm with you on that as I'm thinkin' ?what house? I just kept holding my mouse arrow over each icon until it told me what it was
I am enjoying my 2 new pullets and 2 new silkie chicks from a very nice fellow BYCer. My kids are in heaven and nicely keeping them social for Mom's purposes. We are seeing mud here (better than water) and hoping all homes/coops/and barns get higher and dryer. Be well.
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Thank-you craz e laid e, I see it now! The creek has gone down more, still ripping along but staying in it's banks. This afternoon I let the chickens out for the first time this week. They were very happy to get some green grass and soggy worms.
Hope everyone has an easier week with the weather.
We did not get any snow but had a solid inch of ice over everything for three days. In our layer house, we built it over a dry security run and now I'm very glad we did, they enjoyed being out all through this terrible spell. The poor little bantams had to stay shut in for days now. their run does not get much sun so I chopped through the ice this eve in hopes it will melt tomorrow. Even with all the accidents around here because of the ice, that was the main problems we had out here. No power outages, I guess because there's no trees in the high desert.

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