
Hi fellow Oregonians/Washingtonians! :)

So...I just treated my flock of 7 birds with Ivomectin 1% injectible, drops on the skin for mites.  Then Poultry Protector spray in the coop and then replaced the bedding.

One of my hens was badly infested, with several LARGE egg clumbs around the base of the feathers.  What should I do about those?  I treated them twice with 10 days between treatments.  Do I have to pluck those feathers?  I tried to scrape the egg clumbs off but they do not come off and the whole feather ended up coming out. Do I need to give her a bath??  Petroleum jelly??  HELP!!


I have been reading in the thread the road less traveled back to good health that Nustock will kill the eggs around the vent and scaly leg mites just lather on and it's natural. It's got lots of great results. You may have to order it on line I think amazon has it if your feed store doesn't carry it.
Hi fellow Oregonians/Washingtonians! :)

So...I just treated my flock of 7 birds with Ivomectin 1% injectible, drops on the skin for mites. Then Poultry Protector spray in the coop and then replaced the bedding.

One of my hens was badly infested, with several LARGE egg clumbs around the base of the feathers. What should I do about those? I treated them twice with 10 days between treatments. Do I have to pluck those feathers? I tried to scrape the egg clumbs off but they do not come off and the whole feather ended up coming out. Do I need to give her a bath?? Petroleum jelly?? HELP!!

Yep, just pull them out. ;)
Thanks. I ended up giving her a bath, used some coconut oil to loosen them...had to clip several and even then there is a little bits of the egg clumps left. She has a bald spot on her bottom, poor girl. She did enjoy her bath and blow dry :) Gonna dust her a couple more times just in case those eggs try to hatch...I'm not sure if the eggs die and the remaining clumps are harmless?? Hoping that's the end of bugs for awhile!
Ok, I think I have a broody in the making. One of my 6.5mo BR(Whitie) has been in the nest box ALL day. I took her out 3 times and within 5 minutes she was back in it. No egg today either. I am ok with her being broody. I just don't know If I want her to hatch out some eggs in December. I would be moving her to the grow-out tractor if I let her hatch out. I have 3 eight week olds in it now that I am planning on integrating in Dec. Will she be able to stay warm enough in there alone? I know she can keep the chicks warm. Or should I just let her work out her broodiness on her own? She will eventually move off after a while of having no eggs under her, right? I wish she would wait til next Feb. but I know I can't control her hormones. Any thoughts on what I should do. I do not have a wire cage to force break her.
Depends on how determined she is. Some birds will give up after a time, but some won't. You can give her a few weeks (move her off the nest every time you are out there). And then if she doesn't quit, give her some eggs. Also, you can try giving her a bath, and moving her to the new quarters by herself, both of those things have broken broodies for me in the past... ;)
Ok, while driving last night it came to me I can put her in the brooder in the shed. She would be warm and protected from the elements. Gonna give her a week to see if she really is gonna stick with it or not. Then give her some eggs to hatch.

So I would like to know if anyone breeding Silkies has any fertile eggs available. My wife fell in love with silkies at the Clackamas CO Fair. I would like to get 2 eggs for her. Color is not important. Just not looking for any Silkie mixes. I would be willing to drive an hour away from Oregon City. If anyone near me can help me out please PM me with info and cost. I really want to surprise my wife. She knows we were gonna get them in the spring but I was not expecting a broody so early, so it would be a great surprise. We were planning on letting anyone that got broody hatch eggs so we have continuous flow of eggs and meat birds. She just loved how soft the Silkie was and how friendly too.
Two questions for ya -
1) Do you think a "new" broody serama would take chicks I hatched (since she is on non hatchable eggs) and do ok mothering??

2) Good ideas for single hatch duckling "rehoming"?
So I got refered to Marjorie Best to get silkie eggs for my DW, she is gonna be so eggsited in 3 weeks.

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