Orp pics for all you addicts- Lots more pics on post #11

Thanks Cyn! I hope things went well for your building project. I wish I had an area without snow to build another coop or two while I have all this time off.

Diesel is a geat rooster to be around as well. He doesn't get frantic when approached and has always been a perfect gentleman around chickens and people alike.

Geronimo has been making moves to take over as top roo here. There is a power shift in the works.
I posted pics of some of the pen in the Coops section. We still have a few minor things to do, in addition to the predator proofing of the bottom sections. Have to build a wide ramp, etc. I hope to have them in that pen by the end of the day tomorrow, providing the weather isn't terrible. Cant wait to dismantle the original pens and put down some lime, etc.
Diesel sounds like his daddy. Suede follows me everywhere and if I go out and cant see him when they're ranging, I just have to call him and he comes running. He has to take treats from my hand so he can give them to his ladies and he's pretty gentle about it.

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