Orpington Egg Size


10 Years
Aug 5, 2009
Lithia, FL
My Buff Orpington started laying this week. My EEs have been laying for about 3-4 weeks now and their eggs are slightly larger than hers. They are all about medium egg size. Plus her eggs are almost the same color as the EEs which are very light, almost pinkish. What's going on with her, is it just because she just started laying or is she always going to lay smaller eggs?

Here's a pic with my 3 EEs and Sissy, the Orpington's egg all together:

sometimes I swear she lays them the size of a duck! lol

And they are a pinkish color at times. Sometimes they look more tan others pink.

I had 3, but one got egg bound so now I am down to 2 but they do lay extra large eggs at times.
Are you SURE she is an orpington and not a Buff Rock? My buff rocks eggs look JUST like that, (we thought she was an orpington until I researched on here) lol
It really depends on the hen. Some will lay large eggs and some won't. My eggs are consistently the same size but my first year hens usually lay a larger egg than the older hens.
Well, I'm pretty sure, I'll have to look up Buff Rocks and see the difference. They were advertised as Orpingtons and no one has ever said they didn't look like Orpingtons when I posted their pictures. She is a bit small for an Orpington, although the roo seems the right size.

<edit> She has pale colored legs, and it seems that means she's a Orpington by the posts I found.

NewtoChooks: Thanks for the info--I will look forward to them getting larger
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We have 2 BOs, who lay completely different eggs
Thelma Lou's eggs are medium, dark tan with a pink hint and a shiny exterior to the egg, and the egg is decidedly, well, egg shaped...Very pretty.
Helen's eggs are large - sometimes XL - very light in color, more round, and with a matte finish.
Both of our birds are BOs - not something else...I was surprised their eggs were so different...
the eggs will get bigger in time. My buff orps and Rhode Island Reds all laid small eggs at first. within a couple months they all are laying large eggs. Be patient and bigger eggs will come soon.
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