Other Poultry Calendar for 2018, anyone?

The calendar will be $11 max. What's in it depends on the pictures submitted by members. The first "other poultry" calendar had ducks, geese, ducklings, peafowl, guineas and I believe one pheasant.

It's already in my signature line.
I'd buy at least 4, to give them to friends/family. Also, will submit pics of my pheasants.
Sorry about some of the confusion around this thread. We've been swamped with other stuff and have wanted to make sure that we're not putting the carriage before the horse and/or biting off more than we can chew :D

So, here's where we're at: We support the idea of an "other poultry calendar", but there are a few big concerns:
  1. When we did it in the past, they didn't sell very well and we had a bunch that were wasted :(
  2. Getting them ready for print requires a HUGE amount of effort and time... choosing the pics, getting big versions, and getting them formatted and ready for print, etc.
  3. Even if we get pre-orders and commitments to help with the work, design, etc., there's still worry that there could be other unforeseen issues.
So, a few options:
  1. We 100% mitigate against the issues above and we do a run of "Other Poultry" calendars.
  2. We add a few of the best other poultry pics to the "13th month" of the regular BYC calendar.
Again, the calendars are a TREMENDOUS amount of work for us, so we have some trepidation around potentially doubling that effort.

Thanks again for your patience with this whole thing! I look forward to your thoughts and ideas!

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