Our cat Mr. Balls is missing....ugggh!

Jeni- I didn't mean to hijack your thread! I just feel your pain! :aww

Jayda (my cat) actually showed up last night, and as I went to go pick her up, the dog chased after her and sent her into the woods! I was just glad to see she's alive. I'll try to get her again tonight!

No word from your cat?
I hope everyone's wayward kitties come home!!

That's why we take our cat out on a leash. Callie doesn't come home like she should. Jezebel comes home regularly, and sticks pretty close by when she's out. So she's graduated from a leash cat to an indoor/outdoor cat. But Callie is a dingbat and will have to stay on the leash!

Anyone who says you can't leash-break a cat is mis-informed. They'll never lead, like a dog, but will soon learn the limits when staked on a long rope for a while each day. And they enjoy it! I've done this with several cats. When it was the only way Jez would be allowed out, she would tilt her head to make it easy to snap on the swivel. Even had a tomcat who would lure rivals into leash range before he'd jump them, then wrap them in the rope as he beat them up.

Coyotes are wicked danger to small pets, though. And they are EVERYWHERE nowadays...
JenniferJo, you can Hijack all ya want, it's fine....glad Jayda came home!!!

wegotchickens, I used to put my son on a leash when he was about 5, when lived out in New Mexico and would go to the really big flea market, ha ha. Of course he was one of only a few blue eyed blonde kids...ha ha but he didn't being held or riding in a stroller and would run to anything that caught his attention, we laugh about it now...

My daughter brought Mr. Balls home and we thought, oh he'll be missing in a few days, he IS a house cat but likes to go out with the dogs, but a year and half later he's been home almost every night.....we tried not to get too attached but that's impossible......he stole our hearts....
that darn cat, he's still not home.....
I think he's gone....forever. Dangit Mr. Balls, we miss you....silly cat, get yur tail home!
i hope he returns we have 13 outside cats but they are nueterd and spayed so no kittens but we had one go missing about a year ago but we never found him
Hi - I so hope you find your cat. I'd search and search calling his name because he could be hurt somewhere and need rescuing (in a trap or lord knows what). Every day that passes....not good. This happened to a friend once and she with much searching was able to find her cat still alive and in a disgusting leg hold trap - he would have died had she not found him. He was suffering and chewing his leg off - with medical care he went on to live happily with 3 legs - got around beautifully so that one was a happy ending. We had no idea that there were traps anywhere around here - one just never knows.

And sorry but your husband is wrong about the neutering thing - not being neutered usually causes more problems and it also adds to the unwanted and homeless and starving cats and dogs out there. I'll stop there because this is a time for us to all hope and pray this cat will be alright. And I do. Hoping fervently for a happy ending for all.
Maby try calling the local the local animals shelters and pounds .Maby someone picked him up and took him to the pound. Put up sigh's everwere.
I'm reading this and remembering a year ago that our Nico went missing.
He was gone for 17 days!!! He returned.....terribly thin and walking with his head crooked.
I can't remember what the name of that is....what is it? He still holds his head at an angle. We figured he was so dizzy he just layed some where near by unable to stand and come home.
I just googled it, It's called vestibular disease.
Anyway, wanted to give you hope that they can come home after long periods....keep the faith!!
Thank you itsme....just want him home, hard to search 20,000 acres of forest, and our few neighbors know our cat....no where to post signs, we've called him, search our property 8 acres etc, just want him to come back, we're gonna search more tomorrow....thanks
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Hoping, hoping......

With any luck he is closer in rather than further out in that 20,000 acres.......

I know how horrified I'd be in the same situation so I really feel for you.


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