OUR CHICKS ARE HERE! Thanks MyPetChicken.com!

They are cute. Sounds like they like thier new home.
Just yesterday, a box of chicks from MyPetChicken came to my post office-since it is a rare event here, it was fun to hear the peeping and see them through the holes in the box. The other carriers know I have chicks now too so they asked questions.

I found myself wondering, is the recepitient of these chicks on BackyardChickens?
If so, please know that your chicks were kept warm and draft-free on the supervisor's desk and the peeping box was enjoyed!
PostalChick, I am not in Central CT but NE CT and can only hope my P.O. gave the same care!

Your note is sweet to hear for all people receiving chicks! I wondered what people at the PO thought...it still seems like such an odd thing that chicks come in the mail!!

ps...so far so good with the chicks on day 2...couple of pasty butts, but was caught in time for easy cleanup. They are so darn cute! My dogs keep barking at me to pay attention to them because I can't seem to stay away from the brooder...it is fascinating watching them all day!!
My post office is a city one. I know they were wondering about it all when they got the box and read the address. Now I get called different names depending on who is working when I go in. I am either the "fudge lady" or the "chick woman" LOL

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