Our chicks packed their bags and moved out!


9 Years
Jun 6, 2010
Coleman, Wi
Chicks are finally in their coop. I just need to get nest boxes done, but I still have a few months. They didn't know what to do at first. They just huddled in a corner for about an hour or so. Then it seemed like all hell broke loose. The roosters were sparring, some of the hens were running and jumping. I gave them some grass and broccoli and they were chasing each other and everything was o.k. The only thing I was a little surprised at is they didn't try their roost. Maybe when they get a little bigger.
BTW I was told to use corn cobs for bedding. I will not use that again. Too expensive! I got 2 40# bags, thinking that would be enough. It wasn't. Barely covered half the coop. Back to the pine shavings.
Good for you! I love my baby chicks but I can't wait til they go out in the coop! I have my brooder in our semi-finished basement, I CAN'T BELIEVE THE DUST!
I always got my chickens at 2 months old, my first time rearing, I knew there would be dust, but nothing could prepare me! LOL! I spent an hour down there tonight vacuuming and dusting!
dont want to hijack the post, but yes it is heavier but you dont have to replace as often. And mixed with the PDZ or DE it keeps everything very dry. Every morning I go out and scrape the poop board (2 min) then run the super scooper through the sand (maybe 5 min) and sprinkle a little PDZ in, then I run my metal garden rake through the sand to mix everything up and make nice zen garden lines in the sand (5 min).....DONE

It took 4 bags of play sand to put 2 inches of sand in my 6x4 coop floor.

The name is Sweet PDZ and it is a mineral powder that is used to dry horse stalls, dog kennels, etc. Google it and you will find all the info you need. I have been using it for 2 weeks so far and it has helped alot. It was recommended by several folks here.
My girls moved out yesterday also!! Whoo hoo! I never thought Id be so glad. No I dont have to carry them outside for playtime
Just open the door and voila! However coming up with a routine is going to be tricky.. I left the food out in the run last night and it rained
And it was still raining this morning so they had to stay "cooped up" til noon and I put their breakfast and water in there (I plan on making a pvc feeder for inside the coop) and Ill be darned if they didnt make the hugest mess in there with it all
in their nice clean coop.. oh and they pooped in it too.. dont they know they are supposed to keep it clean for a few hours at least!!

Oh and to the OP.. mine didn't use the roose either.. all in due time I suppose. And they need to learn to go to bed at sundown..cause I can't be herding them up there every single night..
I just got sweet PDZ today, can't wait to try it. I called TSC here in town, asked them if they had it, they said never heard of it. Well I needed to pick up new waterer, it's Sunday so off to TSC I go. As I am looking around at waterers, low and behold there is a bag of sweet PDZ. 25#bag. 9 dollars I think. Finer than I imagined but is touted to be good stuff, so I will try.

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