Our donated coop/self built run with donated supplies and before and after paint job...

The flock was shipped to me Sept 27th. More than the day old I am sure as they had pins on the tips of the wings...so I am guessing prob 2 1/2 months old would be an age guess...
That's pretty young yet, hormone flow will usually start around 3-4 months.
Instead of swapping, I'd just let him go. Integrating a new bird is another aspect of chickeneering that can be tricky, females can be vicious too if their territory is 'invaded' by a 'stranger'.....and 16 birds is plenty for that coop size.
What will happen to birds when school is out for summer?
It's so great that you are doing this! I agree with everyone, you may be fine, but keep an eye on your rooster in case he starts being aggressive towards the hens, to you, or especially to the kids...
This really is a special and heartwarming thing to see. A great way for these kids to have a good time, and learn!
BTW, the coop you have is amazing! I love the fun colors!:love
Thanks! I clearly was not thinking when choosing the lighter peachy color for the ramp...pretty yucky holding the poop...I figure next payday I will get a small broom/dustpan set for the cleanup...lol I also need to figure out a better food/water system and someone to tend to the flock over Winter Break...I have a trip to NC and TX that go round...until they start laying, funds are tight for any improvements outside of what I pay for out of pocket and donations...so far the feeder and waterers were donated as were materials to get it ready for them...but the cost of the chicks to start with as well as the feed/straw/pine chips is all out of pocket...and can this flock put away the food! lol todays journey to the North will be cleaning out the coop poop and a little raking up anything in the run laying around...maybe painting the outside perches we used recycles materials for and securing the additional wood along the base...when the students come back they will put their hands in the paint and put hand prints all around the place on the wood and maybe a swirl or two of the yellow/peach on the front blue area..Oh I also need to get picts of the inside to post for someone who asked as well as measure.
That's pretty young yet, hormone flow will usually start around 3-4 months.
Instead of swapping, I'd just let him go. Integrating a new bird is another aspect of chickeneering that can be tricky, females can be vicious too if their territory is 'invaded' by a 'stranger'.....and 16 birds is plenty for that coop size.
What will happen to birds when school is out for summer?

That depends...If I work summer camp they will stay put...if not, I have a current student whose family said they will house them for us...of course they would get any eggs at that time or if there is another staff member who is willing to keep it going during that time...Summer camp is through the school system in Flagler County and the site is another 8 miles off but my route takes me past my school...I am in Volusia County so every day is a hike...but there are prettier more scenic route that can be taken to make the ride enjoyable. :)
Thanks! I clearly was not thinking when choosing the lighter peachy color for the ramp...pretty yucky holding the poop...I figure next payday I will get a small broom/dustpan set for the cleanup...lol I also need to figure out a better food/water system and someone to tend to the flock over Winter Break...I have a trip to NC and TX that go round...until they start laying, funds are tight for any improvements outside of what I pay for out of pocket and donations...so far the feeder and waterers were donated as were materials to get it ready for them...but the cost of the chicks to start with as well as the feed/straw/pine chips is all out of pocket...and can this flock put away the food! lol todays journey to the North will be cleaning out the coop poop and a little raking up anything in the run laying around...maybe painting the outside perches we used recycles materials for and securing the additional wood along the base...when the students come back they will put their hands in the paint and put hand prints all around the place on the wood and maybe a swirl or two of the yellow/peach on the front blue area..Oh I also need to get picts of the inside to post for someone who asked as well as measure.
Have you heard of Nipple Waterers? And do you use Poop Boards under the roosts?
Agreed with what Aart says re: cockerels. When they get aggressive, it can happen in a heart beat. And a child will be his first target. Often their first signs of human aggression are mis-interpreted. He may circle around you with a dropped wing, he may do a bit of a dance, stomping his feet in a rapid staccato motion, he may repeatedly pick up and drop a stick or pebble, while clucking and looking at you. All are misplaced behaviors: when focused in the right direction, it can be a "dating ritual". But, when directed at a human, or even at an other roo, it can mean that aggression is soon to follow. It means that the lines between human and bird have been blurred in his little pea brain.
Have you heard of Nipple Waterers? And do you use Poop Boards under the roosts?
no and no...what is a poop board? They are all finally going in the coop at night but not all roosting so much as I can tell...I am usually leaving by 5-6 (contract day ends at 3:45...I am dedicated) lol Should I have these poop boards under the otside ones as well? What are Nipple Waterers? I have the kind that you fill and flip...3 of them...2 tall and one small...
He is BEAUTIFULLY Handsome! That is how my RIR Ralph was...
Henry Sr. was not as friendly but this bunch was raised different. I only approached them from their level when they were in the brooder. All 10 would climb all over me and sit on my head. The first ones I went into the brooder from the top so they were scared of me. Heres a short video of the current group.
I would agree about culling the rooster. My mother was attacked by a backyard rooster when she was five and was dripping with blood before she could climb high enough up a fence to get away from it. It was terrifying for her. She has been afraid of chickens ever since. A rooster with children is a foreseeable liability that could lead to wiping out your whole program if a child is harmed.

I would also read up on your local laws and ordinances that determine whether you can legally keep chickens at the school, in that part of town, etc., and whether and under what conditions you can sell the eggs. Many locations have handling, cleaning, and refrigeration requirements that you need to know about before you inadvertently violate a law or regulation and incur some kind of penalty. It stinks that there are so many considerations that go into such a great project, but it is wise to go into it knowing what is required.

I would also encourage you to make contact with other chicken keepers in your area to familiarize yourself with the local predators of chickens and learn what measures must be taken to protect your flock from harm. Chain link has large enough openings to admit many chicken predators and you may find that you need to dedicate resources toward effective protection of your chickens. Predation is an issue for most of us who keep poultry or waterfowl.

My younger son is in full-time SpEd. I love what you are doing and hope it is a great success! Make lots of use of this site to help ensure that things go well.
Have a few pics for you. I use the nipple waterer on 5 gallon bucket with lid. It will be so much easier for you. Also pic of pvc feeder i use which is also great and simple to make. Chickens love to roost and having poop board under roost makes out keep clean.

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