Our Egg Hatching thread! Hatch: Nov. 7th (Hatching Video PG 57)

Oh my gosh, I am soooooo Jealous!!!

Congrats on your beautiful babies!!!!
they are just to cute congrats. I still have nothing but this is just day nineteen so dont expect anything before tonight. Most of my previous hatches hatched on day twenty and finished on day 21. I forgot who but who has their humidity up to 72. By my experience thats a little to high. Could cause water in the air sac and drown chicks when they pip. Just a suggestion but I would try to get it down some.
Michigan resist helping that chick. If you notice there is some blood on the shell where it pipped that means it hasnt absorbed the yolk and blood yet. If you try to do something before it does it can bleed to death. a lot of times they pipp and arent ready yet so they pip and sit in the shell until all is ready. Sometimes over twenty four hours. As long as he or she is moving and breathing let them decide only help if you can tell there is distress.
Hellooooo, everyone!!! Sorry I'm so late on a post this morning. Had several things come up at work right as I walked in.

Yes, I have chickies! 3 to be exact!!!!

We went to bed with two pips showing but no progress. At 4am my 8 year old DD comes into my room whispering "mom, there's a chick in there!" I could see the chick that had just hatched but could also see the shell of another. I couldn't find the chick by turning the lid around so I finally cracked it open and there was a little fuzz butt running around, knocking all the other eggs around. Sooooo cute!!!!

This morning at 7:30 when I got up there was another hatched. I had to crack the incubator open again to make sure it was okay, as it didn't even look to be breathing. It had just hatched. It was okay, just resting. And I noticed I had pips in two more eggs - on the bottoms though. I hope they'll be okay. I know the chicks have sent them rolling.

I think I'm going to leave at noon at get the brooder set up. By that point the first chick will have been hatched out for about 12 hours and probably needs to come out of the bator, huh?

My DD was so cute. She had to write down "pip" so she could remember what the first shell break was called when she told her teacher. She's so excited by all this. What a great learning experience for all of us! Our exchange student is excited too. She's been around chickens, but never seen them hatch.

So the stats so far are this:

16 shipped eggs
-2 broke in shipping
14 in the bator
-1 scambled by PO
-1 unfertile
-2 died around 4 days
-1 blood ring
9 viable embryos showing signs of life at day 17
3 hatched
2 more pipped
4 more waiting to go!

Eeee! Chicks!
Those are so cute, pbjmaker!

Jamie, I know not to touch it.
Can't help having the urges though!

katrinag, good luck with your little pips there... Hey, I wonder if this is where the term pipsqueak came from??

Yaaay, kodiakchicken!!

UrbanMama, congrats on your chickie!

RickiHupp, take some deep breaths.
I bet your babies will come out just fine. If they're slow pokes like mine, it may take another day or two.

Shogun99, sorry to hear about your loss.

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