Our Egg Hatching thread! Hatch: Nov. 7th (Hatching Video PG 57)

She's 18 and she started on her high school team when she was 14 also...She is now swimming for Union College.

lol swimmers, im a diver XD we tried swimming for warm ups before practice started and i chocked on the water XD

My daughter is actually a JV swimmer but a Varsity diver. She had several years of gymnastics experience before she took up diving in September and seems to be a natural at it. On her team you have to be a swimmer to be a diver. She likes both.
Becky - let me know how yours turn out. I haven't hatched them myself before but have been reading on them since I just put some in the hatcher.

I am sooooo happy for everyone!!!!


I cant wait until spring, I will have eggs in that bator EVERY 22 days!! lol

Hello, my name is Ricki and I am addicted to chickens....
Ok did needle test and looked at wing feathers - for the most part they are consistent in sexing (i.e. the one that the needle says girl also is feathering out like a girl)

Results at this point are:

All three millies look to be girls (yay - I already have three grown d'uccle roos)

The cochin looks to be a smooth feathered boy! Just what I wanted - I have three frizzled pullets and they need a *smooth* man.

And the silkies look to be for sure 2 girls and 2 boys. Weebles was needle tested as a girl but her wing feathers aren't developing yet - so that was inconclusive.

Grand total
boys = 3
girls = 6
Hi Everybody,
Boy did I miss a lot or what? I haven't been on since Friday because we have had a very, very sick horse. We finally lost her last night. Our vet autopsied her and she was eaten up with cancer. It was horrible, but one of those things when you have animals.

Anyway, 11 out of 14 hatched for me, so I have 4 Black Orp x Cuckoo Marans and 7 New Hampshire Red. All are very healthy and absolutely adorable. Unfortunately, to top everything else off, I can't get my computer to accept the pics from my camera, so I can't post pics right now. I'll work on that and try to get some pics on here soon.

I'm so happy that most of us have had good hatches. Hope you all are as pleased as I am!!! The pics you all have been posting are so cute!!!! Congrats, congrats, congrats!!!

Is anyone still waiting?
Hey all! I didnt disapear. I've been very busy myself these last few days as well, I have a chick with cocci, 5 others with some kind of issue, and crazy weather setting in tomarro. Life is busy as a farmer!
AND... 2 papers due and 2 projects for my college classes. lifes full of goodies.
In any case heres my update. 12 hatched without a hitch
one however has curly toes and we made it a little boot I call it Gimpy.
I had to help 2 that were zipped but couldn't seem to get out. I checked em out and the membrain had dried to them because they took so long. Even though I vowed I wouldnt help, i did. Those 2 are alive now and drying off. I don't know if they'll live but i did what I could for 'em.
I've been picture lazy, but I did get a picture of gimpy. Cute thing.

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