Our first attempt at a Coop -


10 Years
Nov 16, 2009
Midland, TX
We are a work in progress and never done this before. Here is what we have. What can you recommend to make it a better place? Our chickens will be ready in March so we would like it to be complete by then. The chair inside was just put there for temporary storage, it almost blew away outside one day. Of course it wont be there. Our nesting box needs to be completed with sides and a top and we still need hay etc.

Once it's done we will be painting it

The outside - may not be pretty but hey, its better than I thought it would turn out, lol

To the left ( the run) - I think it needs chicken wire across the top too so prey birds can't get it


The inside - that material hanging down is at the back of the coop with open space behind it. my husband think it should be left open like that for ventilation , he said he wwold staple the material to the wood and make it neat but I am thinking he needs to just put a piece of plywood back there and close it up. There are windows for ventilation on either side of it.

Nesting box area - still needs walls and a top. We will have 3 boxes avail. for about 5 chickens


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