Our First Butchered Chicken- A Story and Pictures! (Graphic)

I think this photo belongs in the predators section!
With all those beautiful young daughters, these head-chopping feather-plucking gut-ripping skills will come in handy! Make sure all their suitors see what you can do to a young rooster and they'll be sure to mind their manners around your girls!
I think this photo belongs in the predators section!

Exactly! Honey and Amy...sometimes they even scare me!

Sunny, I've already told them that all potential suitors have to come to the house to dig a hole before they can date one of them! Just so they know what future holds for them if they get fresh!

Egg_, I feel the same way. My family back in NYC thinks I'm nuts. I think most the rest of the world needs their heads examined.

Thanx Bluegrass, eggtastic, halo and horsefeatherz!

Fitzy, I'm going to have to try a few at some point, for the freezer.
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too bad you're not closer...i gotta process about 40 this weekend. and i'd love to play "scary uncle" when those young gentlemen show up at the door...
WE just butchered 2 of our BO roos a couple of weeks ago. I was suprised at how long the leg bones were compared to a chicken we buy in stores.
Nice work and a good plug for dual purpose birds.

Anyone who has only eaten store bought chickens is in for a
revelation. The first time I ate fresh chicken was in Morocco.
They have these little markets with a bunch of chickens in the back.
You pick one out and in less than 5 minutes its out of the plucker
and heading home with you. Barely time to cool before it goes in
the Tajin. Oh my, even the best store chicken back stateside is like
day old leftovers.

Two kinds of chicken were available. Dujaj Baladi(country chicken) and
Dujaj Mechaniki(Factory chicken). Baladi was free range.

I remember hearing about how they outlawed fresh chicken in Hong Kong.
They people were outraged.

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