
Dec 7, 2021
Our little lady hatched around December 18 laid her first egg today! She’s a blue Ameraucana, we’re still waiting on our salmon Faverolles, followed by a bunch of younger girls starting with a Houdan next month. We have a fully mixed flock so the lay dates are all over the place.


The big girls 🥰


The egg💕
It looks a little green to us. Is this within the range of what Ameraucanas lay or is she just a really convincing Easter Egger? I’ve heard that a hen’s first egg can be a little weird (small, soft shell, etc.), can they start off a different colour too?
I get green eggs, but I have no Easter Eggers, so I think it’s normal! Congratulations on your first Americana egg. Best of luck to your next ones!
Americana or Ameraucana? I’ve heard that Americana can actually be another name for Easter Eggers.
From what I remember researching several months ago, I’m pretty sure that Ameraucana need to have dark legs, dark beaks, and pink pea combs, sometimes red eyes. My girl has a pink pea comb and dark legs, dark beak with dark reddish brown eyes.

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