Our FIRST garden... I can't believe it! Pics Pics !!!


Chapel Farms
11 Years
Sep 13, 2008
Jemison, AL
Well, let me explain. My husband and I grew up working peach fields, pea patches, okra rows with NO ends, etc. etc. and this is what was expected... By the time I was an adult I was glad to work a desk in an air conditioned office...but guess what I missed when our parent/grandparent were no longer farming? So when my husband wanted a new John Deere tractor I said fine...but we must have a garden with everything I wanted to plant. It was agreed. Crooked neck squash, Silver King corn (yes, King), Trucker's Favorite yellow corn, pink-eyed purplehull peas, bush butterbeans, tomatoes, cucumber, pumpkin, watermelon, canalope, okra, bell peppers, eggplant, and sunflowers and milo for the chickens. I would dare say 90% of our garden was organic. Spring fever hits hard in Alabama.


How about those clean rows?

This was the best ...our grandmothers had never seen a field of sunflowers. They were amazed...they shouldn't have been they taught us well.

Next year.....twice as big and we break all child labor laws.
All my 5 acres is woods and I have to grow everything in raised beds around the house.
Tell Marc he did a good job on the straight rows with the JD.

With the ground here, now lightly dusted with snow, and temps in the upper 20's to low 30's, I am truly envious! But I especially like your last line about the child labor laws! How nice it would be to see a little less Wii time and more "Weed" time!
Our little ones (ages 5 and 6) would run to the garden with their own baskets in hand. Fighting and crying because the other got something first or the other had more. You would think it was a easter egg hunt the way they pushed back the squash and cucumber leaves out of the way. Sadly, when I asked the neighborhood kids if the want to help pick peas they thought we were crazy. Yeah....Wii time.

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