Our Fly babies - Quality of Hatching eggs and experience with them


A chicken will always remember the egg
Project Manager
Premium Feather Member
13 Years
Mar 31, 2011
Woodland, CA
My Coop
My Coop
I want to hatch some Partridge Penedesenca eggs. They are one of those hard to hatch breeds when shipped. There is a Hatchery called Our Fly Babies that has them along with other rare breeds.

Please post a reply if you have experience with them. Also, where is the best place to get Partridge Penedescas or hatching eggs?
I want to hatch some Partridge Penedesenca eggs. They are one of those hard to hatch breeds when shipped. There is a Hatchery called Our Fly Babies that has them along with other rare breeds.

Please post a reply if you have experience with them. Also, where is the best place to get Partridge Penedescas or hatching eggs?
thanks for starting this Ron.
says new Wheaten Penedesenca on there site as well
spoke to them today. very nice people. they mostly just have partridge now and some wheaten though they are not laying. i gave her my number if anything changes

Thank you for the update!

It is nice to hear that they are nice and respond by phone.
They seem nice (didn't actually go through and purchase the birds, as they didn't have what I wanted), but they are not prompt at answering emails. So, it is better to call them.
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They seem nice (didn't actually go through and purchase the birds, as they didn't have what I wanted), but they are not prompt at answering emails. So, it is better to call them.
Thank you!

I have noticed that with a lot of places, including Feed Mills. Some industries seem to be a bit slower to move into the modern age than others....
My experience with them was horrible. Besides their lack of communication, their day old chicks they sent to me were a mishmash of breeds. Something mixed with marans, I think they were trying to make olive eggers but didn't succeed. I have some strange bird who looks like a polish/andalusian mix. I am surprised they either couldn't tell what the chicks were that they were sending me or else didn't care. I think I only got 3 of the birds I ordered out of 30+. The roosters were all mean and are now in the freezer. I regret the money I wasted with them.

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