Our introduction to keeping chickens, the high's, the lows and pics of our journey.

Hi transformerchick!

I had read a few places that they laied 18-20 weeks, so I was super excited at 16 weeks to see the signs start to show....the next two months really dragged on! Would have been fine to hear another laid at 18 weeks, but waiting all the time still would ave been painful.

Did your pullet start and keep laying or did she start and stop a few times after the first?

I don't think this little egg will split in any direction so we are thinking of blowing it out. I am interested to still see how the rest of the egg formed and if it's normal then we could still use it in something. I even gave a thought to sticking it in the incubator for a couple of days to see if Smudge's fertility was working as well as the his riding skills. In all honesty though, that would be just too tempting and I can't go hatch one egg at a time hahahahaha

Thanks for dropping in.

Cheers, Ben
You have no idea how close I was to digging you to fight the urge to incubate.

Give it a few weeks to check fertility. The eggs size will grow rapidly and you will get healthier chicks should you accidentally leave them in there for 21 days.
Thanks, we will find a time when all the family can be there and we will blow out Number 1! (pic of course)

All is well, went down the the run again this morning, checking the floor on my way down, no egg, but there seemed to be one girl missing, but it wasn't Luna. It was one of the LS girls Cleo. I think I startled her from the nest box so I went and did some other things and came back (quietly) to find her sitting in another nest box.

Now I can't go to work until I know if it was her or if we are about to get a second come on line!

Listening carefully for an egg song
Thanks, we will find a time when all the family can be there and we will blow out Number 1! (pic of course)

All is well, went down the the run again this morning, checking the floor on my way down, no egg, but there seemed to be one girl missing, but it wasn't Luna. It was one of the LS girls Cleo. I think I startled her from the nest box so I went and did some other things and came back (quietly) to find her sitting in another nest box.

Now I can't go to work until I know if it was her or if we are about to get a second come on line!

Listening carefully for an egg song
you may need to install an egg box cam
you may need to install an egg box cam
As it just so happens, I bought a 4 cam CCTV set up for work the other week, I am sure I don't need it at work for another couple of weeks yet.
But maybe it carries BV DNA...
I know you thought it...lol...
Possible but I doubt it. We never saw any of that late teen behavior from him, not even a little dance or chase.

So, last visit to the nest box before work and Cleo was out, no egg in there, but there was a wet and glistening treasure on the run floor, right next to Luna. I am thinking I was right the first time in suspecting her. Now it's dried, same plum kind of colour bloom to it, and a little bit bigger (sits higher in the fridge rack) I swear she had a "I hope you enjoy that...hurt like crazy delivering it" kind of look, or maybe I was imagining it hahahaha

Two days in a row, that's a roll in my book, an egg roll! **boom tish**
As it just so happens, I bought a 4 cam CCTV set up for work the other week, I am sure I don't need it at work for another couple of weeks yet.
Possible but I doubt it. We never saw any of that late teen behavior from him, not even a little dance or chase.

So, last visit to the nest box before work and Cleo was out, no egg in there, but there was a wet and glistening treasure on the run floor, right next to Luna. I am thinking I was right the first time in suspecting her. Now it's dried, same plum kind of colour bloom to it, and a little bit bigger (sits higher in the fridge rack) I swear she had a "I hope you enjoy that...hurt like crazy delivering it" kind of look, or maybe I was imagining it hahahaha

Two days in a row, that's a roll in my book, an egg roll! **boom tish**
you need to hook the system up to the net so we can all watch,

just no more less than dressed dancing in the coop ok
As it just so happens, I bought a 4 cam CCTV set up for work the other week, I am sure I don't need it at work for another couple of weeks yet.
Possible but I doubt it. We never saw any of that late teen behavior from him, not even a little dance or chase.

So, last visit to the nest box before work and Cleo was out, no egg in there, but there was a wet and glistening treasure on the run floor, right next to Luna. I am thinking I was right the first time in suspecting her. Now it's dried, same plum kind of colour bloom to it, and a little bit bigger (sits higher in the fridge rack) I swear she had a "I hope you enjoy that...hurt like crazy delivering it" kind of look, or maybe I was imagining it hahahaha

Two days in a row, that's a roll in my book, an egg roll! **boom tish**
Congratulations Ben!
I stumbled into your thread a few days ago. Your story has all the elements of a great novel...fascinating characters, struggle, triumph, anticipation, reward! Kept me on the edge of my seat for hours and was worth the 87 pages! Let me add my thanks for your military service...the Aussies are a tough lot and the U.S. is thankful we've been pulling for the same team!

I live in the panhandle of Florida, had chickens and goats years ago in Georgia when kids were young and home-schooled, then life intervened and I have been away from it for about 15 years :(. Now I've just finished converting a couple of stable stalls into a coop and enclosed a yard (so simply said!). On 9/2 will be getting residents!! 4 Australorp pullets I purchased (suppose to be ~14 wks) and then from a generous local BYC member: Golden Laced Cochin pullet and cockerel (~11 wks), an Olive Egger (~9 wks), an legbar (~9wks) and 3 EE's (~5wks). I will keep youngest separated in large dog cage inside coop until they can all learn to get along. Then I will follow your footsteps and begin the anxious wait for THE egg!

Congratulations again! You are making memories for your boys they will never forget.
Wow, welcome Joanne! Such kind words.

I have sat and read many pages of other peoples stories, but never really stopped to consider people might do the same for our little adventure. Humbling to think you wonderful people have followed along.

I have never been to Florida, but would like to add it to the list someday.

Good luck with your new birds. Some great mixes there that should make for a envious egg tray each day. By the time everyone is settled and in the same run, you won't have long to wait for your first egg, unless you snag a few 'Luna's' that are keen to make you wait. Oh, that agonising wait lol, I don't miss that hahahaha. One tiny little pullet egg each of the past two days has had me smiling all day. Even got me excited to waiting for when the next one will start hehehehe.

I am but a simple bloke, easily made happy.

Thanks for dropping in, welcome back anytime!

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