Our introduction to keeping chickens, the high's, the lows and pics of our journey.

Nova, we can talk about the Jeep via FB if you like, easier to share pic and I can check that from my phone at work. I might be able to help you out from here.

The plum is just the bloom on ours, I washed the first egg to check and it is just a normal brown one like from the shop now, just smaller. I have looked around to see how to get plum and pink layers, Creme Legbar seems to pop up a big in the breed mix.

Janew, welcome to BYC, your first post and it's in my little old story! Thanks for dropping in, I love to share. Everyday I learn something new on here so it's only fair I think that I give a little something back, even if it's just making someone laugh at the way us Aussies spell things.

Joanne, I will book mark that site and have a look after work tonight, sounds right up my alley, hope you are right about the land. I had a dream the other night we got a little land and opened a B and B called 'The Poultry Experience', each of the accommodation had it's own run and breed and the huts were named after the breeds they kept. The guest's got an eco trip as well as to play chickens for their stay, I woke up all excited lol

Maybe something for us to take on in my later years.
Love the B and B idea! If you work toward achieving it and we work toward saving for plane fare, we might all be done at the same time! I thought of two other things to mention as I was reading thru the thread. Somewhere back in time you mentioned "sweet pez" ... It's actually a product called Sweet PDZ. It's marketed as a horse stall "freshener", but I was turned on to it by a thread about poop boards. It's a desiccant (Clinoptilolite (Clino) Zeolite)that sucks all the ammonia out of the poo and reportedly reduces odor tremendously. Here is pic of my poop tray lined with PDZ...only thing missing is chickens and poop (excuse ladder...work still in process lol)

Of course, you've got your liquid fertilizer project going, so you have a working solution.

Also got a chuckle out of you moaning about your taxes. My husband and I own a tax and bookkeeping company...although I've never done an Australian tax return I'm sure they're no more fun than ours!

And what's with that hussy Luna?? Happily taking the credit for something she didn't do...hrmph.
I had your issue before, it turned out to be 2 bad thermostats from the parts house. Found out by running without one for a day.
Good luck!

I have had the same happen in a race car of mine, the little pin in the middle was loose, so when the thermostat was 'opening', it was actually still blocking flow...hot hot hot and overflowing. Took a long time to go back and check it as I kept saying "it should be fine it's brand new"
Love the B and B idea! If you work toward achieving it and we work toward saving for plane fare, we might all be done at the same time! I thought of two other things to mention as I was reading thru the thread. Somewhere back in time you mentioned "sweet pez" ... It's actually a product called Sweet PDZ. It's marketed as a horse stall "freshener", but I was turned on to it by a thread about poop boards. It's a desiccant (Clinoptilolite (Clino) Zeolite)that sucks all the ammonia out of the poo and reportedly reduces odor tremendously. Here is pic of my poop tray lined with PDZ...only thing missing is chickens and poop (excuse ladder...work still in process lol)

Of course, you've got your liquid fertilizer project going, so you have a working solution.

Also got a chuckle out of you moaning about your taxes. My husband and I own a tax and bookkeeping company...although I've never done an Australian tax return I'm sure they're no more fun than ours!

And what's with that hussy Luna?? Happily taking the credit for something she didn't do...hrmph.
Hi Joanne,
Sweet PDZ, that's the stuff. I am yet to find it here but it looked like good stuff. I am using white playground sand under the perches now, and hemp horse bedding in the nest boxes. Looks like a real nice coop you have there, plenty of room for people too. Something our's lacks...head height!

Speaking of the liquid fertaliser, I am not sure I covered that I had an empty. It took much longer to fill the tub, when I emptied it I racked the solids over the lawn and watered it in, but the liquid path was not the best. I removed the bottom (pardon the pun) barrel, leaving the top one as a sieve. Everything else is the same, but the liquid passes through faster, so I just put it through a couple of times before diluting for the garden. So far so good.

Tax, oh my least favorite thing. I was never really good at that sort of thing, but it's something I can't afford to outsource at the moment. I use an accountant once or twice a year, but have to grind through my books myself. At least it keeps me in touch with the flow of funds.

Everyone loves Luna, she is the most affectionate (aka Hussy) lol, little scammer, she knows she will get what she wants, even without giving up her egg treasures!

Bit late to load that video now, but I will try get it done in the morning.

Oh, before I forget. Last night I ordered a few nipple drinkers. Warmer months are coming and I would like to have a larger water supply for the feathered ones. Going to use another olive drum to make a pipe and multi nipple system. Watch this space!
...and here it is, complete with my weird 'talking on camera to a little boy' voice hahahahaha

The girls have been real noisy today, even Smudge has been copying the hens cluck. Also spotted Jewel in a nest box having a sit so maybe we are getting close to our first blue egg too! (I know I should not say that we are getting close again lol, can't help myself)

Have a good day/night, time for me to hit the road for work.
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...and here it is, complete with my weird 'talking on camera to a little boy' voice hahahahaha

The girls have been real noisy today, even Smudge has been copying the hens cluck. Also spotted Jewel in a nest box having a sit so maybe we are getting close to our first blue egg too! (I know I should not say that we are getting close again lol, can't help myself)

Have a good day/night, time for me to hit the road for work.
So I ended up watching the dyno days video.

Once upon a time in the early eighties I was doing 210km an hour on the road to Broken hill. We took a side trip to SIlverton, came over a crest doing 170 to find a camel on the road. Fun times. Now I am old and mortal.
Hahahaha I forgot about those old videos in the same Chanel!

I still love it, but exspensive hobbies and new business don't really go together well. As crazy as it seems, was always in a track in the best conditions. I live fast and wild driving but it certainly has it's time and place. I feel pretty strongly about that.

Alicia will find her first egg today :)

Here is what I think may e a lesson or maybe a line up lol.
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I was going to wait, but I'm busting to share lol.

Alicia found her first egg today,

And then saw this one!!!

And then what do you know, ANOTHER ONE!!!!!

I saw Jewel in that nesting box and she was part if the choir this morning too (I have a video to share of that with Smudge trying his egg song too lol)

Alicia also just sent me a text saying she thinks Rosie (rir) is singing her song too!

The dam has broken team!!!

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