Our introduction to keeping chickens, the high's, the lows and pics of our journey.

Ugh...mine are afraid of the dark. Hot little chicks dogpiled and panting with their heads burried in the corner. I did something wrong I think because I don't remember this happening before. I gave in -gave them a nightlight.
I did have to use a torch to lure them down here the first two night. Our first hatch was the same, but now they seem to just peep a heap on dusk then make their way into the boxed end.

Last night, Alicia was trying to think up some names, mostly for the big black Australorp. Ended up settling on "Mr Tea" A play on word but I am sure you can figure it out lol

"I pity the fool that has to pluck me!" hahaha

Still working on the others by next Sunday they should all have some names. I have been brushing up on my preparation methods. I have butchered other animals, but never a chicken to eat. Some interesting video's out there that's for sure, some for the wrong reasons. I have gathered a substantial amount of info from a few sources and think I have a way to do it that I am happy with as being humane, correct and efficient.
I don't do it either. I pay a lady around the way, well her business actually, to butcher. I pay $2 a bird. A bit more if I want them weighed and bagged. Well worth it.

Anyway, pic spam time. My babies are going on 3 weeks... WOW! has it been that long? Why yes, yes it has...
All right, I do have a video, but I need to upload it. BUT, I do have a few pics of 4 birds individually, and a few brooder pics.

First off we have the one and only Jap Bantam. Once I finally got this little guy, he just calmly sat in my hand. Oh, I am in love!

I am wondering what this next one is... It is a phoenix, I know, but, no discernable comb at all. AND it has pretty blue/silvery color coming in on it.

This one... This is Mr. Ed

Another that has blue/grey coloring, and a comb, so thinking this is a boy... but not sure what this color is going to be.

Now for group shots

Yes.. I know, the garage floor is a mess. Heck the garage is a mess. Technically, it is not a garage, but a HUGE bantam coop. I have a winter shovel, and I scrape the floor every day to take off the doo.. Oh... how fun.
Hahahahaha "It's not a garage but a huge coop" Love it!

Mr Ed certainly looks boyish!

3 weeks already, where did that time go?! Amazing.

I just keep feeding our little ones and moving them about the yard, waiting for them to get big enough to join the main flock.

I heard yesterday that a school mum's friend has her own fertile eggs abut no way to hatch r raise them.....we may have to work out a deal lol! Going to get in touch and find out what breeds she has.
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Mine have been out in their coop day and night now since last weekend. We're expecting frost tonight and tomorrow night so I temporarily gave them back a little heat - the 25w red bulb instead of their nightlight. Just for the overnight hours. Still afraid of the dark but I've put a solar light in there and it seams to be enough. No heat, just a dim light to huddle around. I STILL have four in my basement. Their back feathers are finally coming in so after the cold tomorrow night they'll be rejoining the others. Should be back to somewhat normal lows by the weekend.
Ben - are you getting winter temps yet? You should definately help that lady out and offer your hatching services. Lol...like you need encouragement! ASAP.
Nova - how are your eggs doing? Very cute babies.
Betty seems very content on her seven eggs. I'll try to candle this weekend to get an idea how they're doing - IF any are developing. Me and shipped eggs...not usually good.
Regarding the butchering part of chicken raising - not looking forward to that but it's on the agenda for this weekend for two roosters, Jeffrey and Charles. Four roos is far too many with 12 hens, 1 would suffice but 2 would work if we keep the two that are gentlest. Lucky for us they made it easy to decide by starting to attack my kids' feet. Not harming them but showing aggressive behavior I won't allow. Plus that leaves us with a RIR (Mr Sprinkles) and our son's favorite chicken Tredd (he wasn't suppose to pick a roo but he did!) an EE, both are very sweet to the hens and they don't mess with my kids. I don't want to do it but I want it to be done - if that makes sense. I'm ready for a peaceful flock again. We're planning to do it ourselves. My husband Jeff is a hunter and we process our own deer, so it would be hard to justify not doing it. Really hating it though. I understand why you don't handle your roosters much Nova. Wishing I had no connection.
Oh, do not get me wrong... I love, love, LOVE roosters. If this were a different peice of property, and I had an endless supply of money, I'd have massive coops and pens and I have roosters coming out my ears, ya know... BUT I also have only 2 uses for roosters. The breedables and the eatables. LOL. I am attached to some. In fact, I was quite attached to Roger and Mr. Fluffers. I cried like a baby over both of those boys. Roger was the silkie roo to beat all silkie roos. He was a mean SOB to anyone who threatened his ladies or chicks. He had no problem putting cockerels twice his size in his place, even went after Mr. Fluffers one day, and that day I nearly peed myself laughing so hard. I had to rescue Mr. Fluffers. Mr. Fluffers did deserve it though. LOL. Those boys were the best roosters, and had both of them survived the predator attacks, we wouldn't have any roosters but them and Rod, and Fritz . I would have rehomed Florus, never gotten Pat the Rat for Jace for 4H, which he no longer seems interested in. I really wish I could find some one who would want him for a pet... No one wants a rooster that they have to PROTECT. He is just so darn... Pat... LOL.
Haha - I remember reading when you got Pat with the funny walk.
Yeah even my two "bad" roosters would probably mature into wonderful more "gentle" guys. The hormones have gotten the best of them though. If it weren't for the two trying to fight my kids' feet I'd be a wreck because they're very friendly to humans otherwise - always standing next to me during outdoor projects and following me around. The truth of the matter is, I don't want roosters that will attack people, team up on my hens (I HATE that), and I don't need two ee's or two red's for breeding. (Charles and Tredd are both EE and Sprinkles -rir and Jeffrey -SS are both red for breeding sexlinks). Oh well. It's always been the plan. Keep the hens and a few for breeding and put the rest in the freezer when their day came.
Yes, we are getting colder here, but not cold by your standards. Last night was about 9C (48F) got down to around 7 a few nights, but heading down. We will get a few 3C's to -2 on occasion, but not many below zero (32F) over winter. No in our area anyway.

As for processing here, it's part of the deal, we can't keep them and I don't want to risk giving them away. We have raised them from little eggs, may as well complete the full circle. Plus, our kids will earn an appreciation of where there food comes from (or become vegetarians!) I think it's a bit funny talking with people that are more than happy to eat packaged meat, but turn green at the thought of eating a healthy free rage back yarder. I understand some people may not want to process it themselves, but funny how some live in ignorance to where there meat comes from.

I don't revel in the task, but at the same time I am sort of proud that we have raised our own produce. I feel similar when I pick food from our veggie garden, or make my own things. A self sufficient/Independence kind of thing. Sorry to ramble but hard to find the right words. I don't want to seem like someone who likes or enjoys the act of killing an animal. To me, burying the roosters seems a waste, and giving them away has the potential to spread Marek's if I have not got rid of it. Thankfully, there is yet to be any sign of MD returning, but I would hate to spread it.

I have been talking with the kids about the idea of eating our own meat, in the beginning they did not like the idea, but we have talked about where meat comes from and how it ends up in the store. The other day, Riley, our youngest said to me "Dad, you know what's inside a chicken?" "No mate, whats that?" "Chicken Dad, chickens are made of chicken!" In his mind, they were two very different things sharing the same name hahahaha, dearest little fella!
How funny that really is, because my son asked if when the roosters die we'll "cook them into chicken". Yup...it's like magic.
I'm with you 100% on the reasoning for butchering them for food, it would be a waste of life not to. If they were sick or attacked by an animal I would bury them of course, but a healthy bird (IMO) should be valued as food. Ironically last night while I was outside, Rooster Jeffrey was trying to talk me into a worm he found.

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