Our new pet!!!

Unfortunately you wouldn't know what foods he needs to stay healthy and to survive - already he is probably very hungry and it's very important that he not eat the wrong things at such tender young age. Do you know if there is a wildlife rehab center near you? You could call one I know of in NJ for advice - they help baby squirrels all the time. (I know you're too far away to actually bring him there but maybe they can advise you over the phone or help you locate a rehab center near you). The center I have in mind is Mercer County Wildlife Center in NJ at 609-683-6606. Tell them a very young squirrel came right up to you - very friendly - tell them about how many inches tall he is - tell them you put him in a box (and when you did that so they know how long since he's had his mom and food) and ask what the best way is to help him now.
Tiffany's post popped up while I was writing my last post. So glad you're there Tiffany because maybe the grapes etc. can help the little guy stay hydrated till this is sorted out.

After I sent the last post I saw others had popped up, including one from you, chickenboy, about there being a wildlife center where once before you brought a squirrel. That's great! - because it might be this little guy's best chance, especially if his mom is no longer around. Thank you for wanting to help him.

I am trying to find somthing moist for him, is apple sauce ok? Ihope he makes it through the night then, we can mybe get to somone by tommorow.
He may not eat the apple sauce, since he cant grab onto it really. If you have a syringe (without a needle of course) you can water it down a bit and squirt it in his mouth, taste wise he would probably like it!

Hmm....even if you can eyedropper some water into him, it shoudl help, water with a bit of applesauce mixed in.....

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