Our new school yard chicks!

Maggies Pop

10 Years
Sep 23, 2009
Middletown (No CAL)
We just went and picked up our new addition to our school yard! I am so excited about this program....the kids are too! I have them in the brooder at my house and tomorrow morning I will set them up in class. We got two Buckeye's, 2 Polish and 2 EE's. The EE's are about 3 wks old and the Buckeye's and Polish are 2 days old.

I feel so blessed to be able to bring chickens to our school and I am confident they will be educational as well as fun in more ways that I can possibly imagine!
Sounds like fun! Lucky kids
It sounds like fun as well as being educational. I'd be careful about the age difference, though. You might give the wee ones a chance to grow a bit before putting them in with the older ones. Chicks grow amazingly fast.
That sounds like so much fun for not only you but also the children.. There just isn't many things cuter than a baby chick!
Thanks friends!
It's been a lot of fun. Each class adopted 2 chicks (we have combined classes), named them and had lot's of questions. It's been a fun few days, that's for sure! And the chicks are handling it pretty well. We had a no holding rule this first week so the chicks to get acclimated to their new surroundings. We will gently introduce them this week...hope everything goes well.
Wow! Lucky students and teacher! What grade do you teach? I teach 4th, and I would love to introduce something like this to my kids!
Hi MomKat--you should look into it. I was incredibly surprised how easy it was to get the ok. I thought it would be tough.

I don't actually teach. I am the President of the School Board and the Garden Director (which includes the chicks!). I am there enough to be put on the payroll though and probably more than some of the full time employees! lol My daughter is in 1st grade, she is in a combined K/1 class. I spend a lot of time there doing my duties and volunteering.

The Sept issue of Hobby Home has a nice article about chickens and classrooms. You should check it out. And if you get serious about wanting to do this, feel free to message me (or email me [email protected]) I will give you whatever info I have to help!

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