Our Silver Laced Wyndotte pattern is backwards+ Gender help w/ pics

My Wyandotte hens were not that red in the face until they were at POL and almost 2 months older than the bird you have. The red face, the thick legs, and something in the stance makes me think boy.
I sure hope it's not a Roo we already have one Handsome SLW roo and I am not inclined to have two. WE will just have to wait and see. Looks a lot different thaan my SLW roo did at the same age but who knows. Anyone else?
OMG! it looks exactly like mine! she's 9 wks. today and that could be her!!! mine has a teeny little strip of a waddle beginning. smaller than yours, and i'm with you! she better be a "SHE", because i can't have roos. i got my four (pullets) from MPC.
Here is my SLW Roo at the appeox the same age:


Note the single comb instead of the rose. It happens sometimes supposedly they are more fertile and will rear chicks with rose combs.

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