Out to the coop


In the Brooder
Mar 15, 2015
My chickens are about 6 weeks old and look to have a lot of their adult feathers. Would I be ok putting moving them into the coop for good ? I live in beaverton or and it has been about 60-70 during the day and 40-47 ish at night. I have put them out there during the day but they have not learned out to go up the ramp and I to the coop. Thanks for the info
Sounds like they would be fine. They will learn to use the ramp. Just be sure to lock them in at dusk :) Good to see another Oregon Chicken owner. Best of luck
Also. My coop has 2 nesting boxes and I have 6 chickens would that be ok. ? I would have to cut out one of the walls of the coop to add more and would rather not.
Awsome thanks. So I bought my coop and the coop section is about 4x3 box is that big enough for 6 hens ? I have about a 20x10 run
Awsome thanks. So I bought my coop and the coop section is about 4x3 box is that big enough for 6 hens ? I have about a 20x10 run

Maybe I'm just misreading your post, but I am not seeing the dimensions you've listed there - is there a separate run you are referring to? The area shown in the pictures is not of the size that I would feel comfortable putting many birds into.
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As long as the chicks have their feathers, they should be fine. it is a good idea to put a heat lamp out their with them to keep them warm, but make sure it is not afire hazard. The coop size should be fine as long as they have a run. my aunt has 10 chickens in her coop that is about as big as yours. The chickens will probably lay in the same nesting box anyway, make sure you watch out for predators. Good luck.
Just this past weekend we moved four 5-week-old chicks into a wire rabbit cage in the uninsulated, unheated big bird coop. They were pretty much completely feathered out, don't notice any down poking out anymore, and they wouldn't stay in the brooder, free ranging (and pooping all over) the lightly heated garage as they saw fit for weeks already. The past few nights it's been just around freezing to just below, and windy with wind chills in the 20s. All are very well. I'd let them out supervised with the free-range big and banty girls and big and banty roos for a few days when it was warm last week. The friendliest chick (barred rock) walked up to my friendliest hen (speckled sussex) and they stared at each other with a few inches between beaks for about 10 seconds (super cute and wish I'd gotten a picture!), then went their own ways. Later on, the barred rock chick was put in her place with a quick peck by my golden laced wyandotte. I've been letting them out of the cage to bum around the coop after I get home from work this week. The big girls don't seem to mind, just want to try to eat the chick feed.
Sorry about the pics those are older I have moved it from there. Here are some updated pics

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