Out with the old, in with the new?


Aug 20, 2016
Hey everyone, new to this forum thing but have been raising the backyard chickens for a couple years now. The issue I'm having is with the chicks I hatched in May. Out of nine of them five are Roos and now at least one of them is trying to mate with my older hens. I'd like your opinion on whether or not I should slaughter our older rooster (2 yrs), who is fantastic with our hens and decide on a new rooster to take over or keep him and slaughter/sell off the others?

I'd rather eat young birds than old birds.

I like the status quo, also. Unless there's some burning reason you want to change things, butcher the young guys.
Well that's a hard one to awnser
I think you should keep the one that you think is the best rooster
Eg. Looks after the hens and keeps them safe
And which rooster you prefer the look of
I would guess chances are 50/50 that the new cocktail won't take so nicely to you and the flock. Plus being younger he may run the girls to much for a while. I've seen suggestions for a Batchelor pad, maybe keeping 1 or 2 separate from the girls as a back up, or to wait and see their personality first especially if there is one you really like the color. But personally, unless you want a backup incase of misfortune I'd stick with the older for now, why cause confusion in the flock when they won't miss the little boys near as much as they would the leader

I'd rather eat young birds than old birds.

I like the status quo, also. Unless there's some burning reason you want to change things, butcher the young guys.
Ditto Dat^^^^

If the older cock is a good bird, I'd keep him for at least another year maybe 2 more years.
Depends on your breeding goals. If self-perpetuating your flock, a new cock every 2-3-4 years is a good thing to do.

I'm with donrae, butcher extra cockerels young....I like to grill them up at 13-16 weeks before they start causing trouble.

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