Outgrowing my Eglu Cube??


5 Years
Mar 18, 2014
I have 7 chicks... well hens now. I mean they are growing so fast. They were born March 13th so they are two months but they are fully feathered and HUGE! lol

I have an Eglu Cube and an Eglu Go. Knowing that the Cube is too small for 7 birds, I got the Go but I don't know when to split them up or when they have outgrown the Cube? What signs should I look for?
In my opinion, if they are free ranging all day, and if they will fit comfortably in one coop, I'd save your other coop for an isolation/broody coop.

However, if they are in there all day long then space requirements are VERY important. You can "get away" with just ensuring they all have room on the roost and can stand comfortably in the coop if they are outside all day long free ranging and were brought up together as chicks (so are harmonious with each other).

If you get a lot of snow that means they should have more room in the coop as well.

So it creates a lot of stress to divide the flock into two coops when you don't really have to. My advice is to make sure you really need to. An extra coop is important if you want to let your broody raise some chicks, or one becomes injured and you need a place to put her, etc.

I am not familiar with how much space is in each coop.
Oh I did not realize that seperating them would cause stress. They do 'free range' in a larger area during the day so I think they will be OK. Are there any signs I should look for if they get unhappy?

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