Over one week into integration..



Mar 11, 2018
and it's really no better. This older ones are just awful. The smaller ones are learning to go high but not fast enough and then they end up not moving at all. The two older girls and boy ganged up on two of them at seperate times. The cries are pitiful and I'm getting very frustrated. I have spent many hours the last week observing. I'm getting nothing else done.

The odd thing? They all sleep in the coop next to each other at night. Once they come out its a free for all every single day...

I don't know what else to do here. The brahmas are a good size now but still skiddish. The only one that is being smart is the golden lace and she is fast, thankfully.
Coop drama! Change is hard, and so is integration, sometimes. Extra space is key here, and having separate areas, so birds can get away from each other. And time, to work things out.
Is anyone being injured? Do you have a really bad bully out there? Are they free ranging during the day?
What food? Mine is Flock Raiser, 20% protein, and it helps too.
Do you have multiple food and water stations, far apart? The less competition for resources, the better.
This will likely all work out...
I do not free range but the area they are in is about 15x15 with branches to vlimb on and an activity center with more roosts, a swing, and ladder. There are 4 water stations and three feeding areas. They are now on all flock.

No particular bully, the three older ones have remained pretty consistent, except the rooster. He most of the time tries to keep the peace but every now and then he joins in. That is usually when I jump in, he is not rough with the older girls but can be with the younger ones. We had words today. He backed off after he understood that I was there to protect the smaller ones.

There can be an hour of peace and then boom all hell breaks loose. That generally happens if the smaller ones decide to venture on the ground. Every night there is less movement and they are settling quicker.

I'm off the next few days so they wi be together all day. I've been doing as soon as I get home they all come out. I have changed it up and put the bigger ones in the coop run and let the smaller ones enjoy the run and vice versa.

These older ones really seem to like terrorizing the smaller ones. I think they think it's fun. No blood, really no feather loss, just grabbing them by the neck or wings or cornering them to peck on them. I'm afraid the smaller ones are going to hurt themselves trying to get away.
They were see/no touch for over a month. Today it's raining so I am not standing out there. I had them together for a little bit this morning before the rain. Same old crap.
How old are they?..Might need more time to mature before you try again?..Confidence will help.

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