Over population of Muscovy ducks

^^^x2 try to communicate clearly with the neighbor and outline what you’re doing about the situation. Poisoning the puddles with bleach is going to wreak havoc on the environment! Really, really not ok. She is going to kill a lot of other non nuisance animals too.
I've ordered a pen to put them into as we catch them, but now she's putting poisoned corn out in her yard. What is wrong with people???
I've ordered a pen to put them into as we catch them, but now she's putting poisoned corn out in her yard. What is wrong with people???
Lots, apparently. I am not sure where in FL you’re located (how rural vs suburban, or how close you are to protected areas?) but this has to be illegal! I would look into getting her dealt with by the appropriate authorities. Putting out poisoned feed could have a terrible impact on the local wildlife, pets, and what if you’re panning on eating them? What if alligators or endangered wildlife starts eating the poisoned ducks or corn? How about the fact that the corn is going to attract and kill other local Native birds.

Poison is not an appropriate way to deal with the situation. Yes, the invasive ducks are a problem that needs dealt with. However there’s better ways to do it. Maybe look into local conservation groups? Can you find a group that would help you trap them? I know there are organizations that trap and euthanize the feral pythons. I really feel badly that you’re dealing with this. My Grandparents dog was poisoned in his own yard by a neighbor that was afraid of him (he was a Newfie, and super gentle but huge), so it’s a topic that hits close to home for me.
Yeah you need to report her to fish and wildlife or something that is not even close to okay she could be doing so much damage.

No way its legal, I would maybe even call your local law enforcement to see if they can do anything about it.
How do you know the corn is poisoned?
Good point... I’m guessing that a discussion occurred at some point. But there is also the: if this person hates and is complaining about these animals, and is then seen actively ‘feeding them’ corn, the assumption that the feed is poisoned (especially after seeing her bleaching the puddles they frequent) is most likely correct. Unless the duck-hating neighbor is secretly trying to steal the flock?
Using a household product as off label as a poison is a federal crime. You should probably make darn sure before you get the police involved. To be frank, its not legal to have moscovy in Florida unless they are captive, which these clearly are not. They are invasive and push out native species. Problems like this are often handled with poison. You need to expand your mind to her point of view. She is thinking the exact same thing you are. "Whats wrong with my crazy neighbor?" and if you make the cops or animal control decide you might not like their answer.
Using a household product as off label as a poison is a federal crime. You should probably make darn sure before you get the police involved. To be frank, its not legal to have moscovy in Florida unless they are captive, which these clearly are not. They are invasive and push out native species. Problems like this are often handled with poison. You need to expand your mind to her point of view. She is thinking the exact same thing you are. "Whats wrong with my crazy neighbor?" and if you make the cops or animal control decide you might not like their answer.

I cannot see the fish and wildlife commission in Florida condoning the unregulated distribution of poisons in feed, or the dumping of household chemicals into the environment in an attempt by a private individual to eliminate an invasive species. Sorry. Especially if the neighbor is actually an agent of the FWC.

Yes, the uncontrolled ducks are a problem, which the OP is trying to control. That does not in any way justify the neighbor pouring bleach into the environment and distributing poisoned feed. The Florida ecosystem is already highly compromised, and there are organizations and safe ways to deal with invasive species and escaped and feral livestock. Private individuals acting in irresponsible and (probably, I’m Canadian and not completely up on state and federal laws in this area) illegal manner are not acceptable.

I have a problem with invasive and overpopulating bald eagles... they maim and kill our livestock, if I start just randomly tossing out poisoned carrion for everything to eat, that’s not ok. It’s illegal. I could face prison time. If I shoot an eagle that’s actively attacking my livestock that is another story. If the neighbor was shooting the ducks, and only the ducks? Not a problem. Distributing poisons in an irresponsible manner? That’s entirely different.

Some people just don’t like dogs. They poison toys, treats, and put antifreeze into puddles in (fully sanctioned and dog allowing) dog parks, and trails, is that too ok?
Whenever I was at the University of Alabama I would sometimes go to this fast food restaurant nearby the football stadium called Cookout. There was a small stream nearby and it was unbelievable how many wild muscovies called that area their home. The closest houses nearby were student apartments and run down projects like areas. I’m sure that some random people just dumped them out a long time ago, and only wanted them originally to have cute ducklings. Sitting in the drive thru you can see multiple generations and ages of muscovies. Some will be laying in eggs nearby, others will have ducklings ranging from 2 to 8 weeks old. It’s crazy and I feel bad for them. There is so much traffic I feel like some have to be run over sometimes. I wish some people would be more responsible. Like if you’re not 100% serious about raising and keeping ducks then don’t do it.

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