Overmating injury on wing

Being cooped up;) could be partially the problem. Getting more girls may help, but a youngster is going to still mate very frequently and they do tend to have their favorite girl(s) that get it more than the others. Usually a lower in pecking order girl, but not always.
My BR Willow is the low girl in the pecking order, you are spot on!
I don't think this will help but I will suggest it anyway... My roos are focusing on mating with a cardboard box from Burpee seeds that measures 4x3.5x8 inches.
HILARIOUS!!! What types of seeds were in those boxes lol??
While I don’t have any boxes from Burpee, I’m sure I could find a box that size or so here at work.... worst case scenario, it’s a new thing for them to check out in the coop, they like new enrichment items after a few minutes of fearing them haha.
Here is a pic of the injury- it’s just on the left side. The roo has a sharper spur on that side too, so I filed the spurs and nails just a few days ago.
HILARIOUS!!! What types of seeds were in those boxes lol??
While I don’t have any boxes from Burpee, I’m sure I could find a box that size or so here at work.... worst case scenario, it’s a new thing for them to check out in the coop, they like new enrichment items after a few minutes of fearing them haha.
just tomato and basil plus a few other seeds I don't think the contents of my seed box are the attractant. Just the size. They are also dragging aroung our garden shoes from the porch and humping those too thankfully are girls are being left in peace for now.
Here is a pic of the injury- it’s just on the left side. The roo has a sharper spur on that side too, so I filed the spurs and nails just a few days ago.View attachment 1244764 View attachment 1244765

Yep, that's from mating:)

Saddles do offer some protection from the nails and spurs, but the feathers underneath will still get worn and broken. Inspect under the saddle at least once a week for any abrasions/weakened or broken skin. Even with a saddle, he will mate her A LOT since she is a favorite.

She has what looks like intact feather shafts in the skin, so she won't most likely will not regrow feathers there until she molts at 16-18months of age (or when she goes through her adult molt).

Yep, that's from mating:)

Saddles do offer some protection from the nails and spurs, but the feathers underneath will still get worn and broken. Inspect under the saddle at least once a week for any abrasions/weakened or broken skin. Even with a saddle, he will mate her A LOT since she is a favorite.

She has what looks like intact feather shafts in the skin, so she won't most likely will not regrow feathers there until she molts at 16-18months of age (or when she goes through her adult molt).

View attachment 1244975
Awww so she’s gonna have a bald spot for a while. Thanks for explaining about the feather shafts- I didn’t know that and most likely would have posted in the future asking when her feathers would grow back.
I am loving this site. So much knowledge and help. I have a hen that my two roosters have favorited and take turns on her. She is very submissive and I think this is why they favorite her. One gets on, then the other one gets on. Sometimes they do this more than 3 times in an hour. Any recommendations?
I am loving this site. So much knowledge and help. I have a hen that my two roosters have favorited and take turns on her. She is very submissive and I think this is why they favorite her. One gets on, then the other one gets on. Sometimes they do this more than 3 times in an hour. Any recommendations?

Hi @Robert G :frow Welcome to BYC

The only solution to overmating like this is to separate, rehome or cull one of the roosters. Tag teaming a hen will eventually wear her down - not only her feathers, but physically and mentally. Being run ragged by 2males, she is most likely not eating and drinking like she should, nor is she dust bathing and preening to take care of herself.

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