Overwhelmed - THANK YOU!


Human Encyclopedia
13 Years
Jan 11, 2007
Living in Holland has its ups and downs... while in chat many ask me what I miss the most and I have to say it is true bout the little things getting to ya ... the food is what I answer...those little things you take for granted...like chocolate chips to make cookies with and having no bbque sauce with hickory taste in it.... (dont get me started> I could go on for hours >just ask em in chat!)
>>> Thank you Menkot for the lovely package you sent in the mail to me! (choc chips and liquid smoke)
I can't tell you how surprised I was (and glad I remembered our conversation because there was no return address on the package)
I am speechless at your kindness


ETA: This will be the first time in over ten years that I have had a homemade (warm) chocolate chip cookie!
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Lady Di- post a list of things that are hard for you to find. I send care packages overseas to soldiers at least once a month and would love to send you one too!
That was really sweet of Menkot!
Norma Jean... can't compare me to those soldiers so you just send an extra one to them!
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oh noooo..... made me think of cheese soup

(told ya not to get me started
Good Morning...I have a friend who lives in Holland. She and her family have been there for two years. They are missionaries in Heiloo. I send her fixins for Mexican food, fritos, cookies and slim jims! They have four children and they have their own list as well....

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