OVERWHELMED with CRAaaaaaap!!!!

Hope you're just kidding.... Yes, I think they would. Used to live in base housing when DH was in the Navy, and if the supervisors don't notice it, some nosy neighbor will. If I learned one thing, it was that nobody in either the military or the civilians who work for them is allowed to have a sense of humor and they certainly don't bend rules. Get a stuffed chicken and cuddle it. Not worth having to move on top of everything else!
I've had a week so bad that I don't even have it in me to rant about it, and it seems to just keep getting worse.

Just know you aren't alone.
SallyF, no I am not kidding! I don't think my neighbors would tell.

Chickensducks&agoose- I will keep that in mind! A MilleFluer D'uccle is one my must have list when we get back stateside!
I don't think it is a good idea. If you are allowed to have chickens wherever you live, then sure, give it a shot. But if your neighbors find out that you had chickens... ( and you weren't allowed to have them where you live ) it would be very bad.
Thanks. We were going to go rafting today, but it's cold, rainy, and windy.
The hens are not enjoying it, and neither am I.
These are great!!! Makes me appreciate the calmness of my life, (at the moment anyhow)!!
I will keep all of you in my prayers for you to have much better days in the future.

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