Oy, the lonely chick


10 Years
Feb 26, 2009
I have one loud peeping chick. Born yesterday and still all alone. Hatch is due today, 9 eggs still in. No pips, no rocking, no peeps.
Still hoping.
One very lonely, very distressed, very loud little chick.
I have all the normal chick things, warm, water, food, plus terrycloth and an ostrich duster in with him/her.
I dont' have any stuffed animals so put in some socks, one rolled up, one spread out to lie on, both cotton terrycloth socks.
Any ideas?
I did try pocket in down parka I was wearing but that didn't do it either, still peeped distressed peeps.
heat check
water check
it's just lonely
dont' know what to do for him/her
I have the same thing. I have a little BB Red OEGB down inside my bra. It's the only way he'll stop crying. None of the other chicks made it to hatch. This is my grandson's first chick from his trio of BB Red's so I'm going to do everything to keep it alive. I haven't had a good track record with single's making it. So if I have to carry this one down my shirt until the next batch of chicks hatch, then I'll do it. Thankfully, I'm retired!

and my family thought I was crazy when I put the baby down my bra the other night.
- at least I have company!
see if you can put a mirror in with the chick they will see it as another chicks and start pecking and playing with it it is very cute
this is actually a very common thing to do, a simple mirror and feather duster, together they can work miracles, there are pleanty of people on here that have had to do this, with alot of success
He wants absolutely nothing to do with the feather duster. I even used some of my parrots feathers, rubber banded them together and he's not happy.

Back in the bra he goes!


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