oyster shell questions


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 28, 2014
So, I'm fairly new to the duck thing. Prior to my four pekins, I had one rescue Musgrove drake, that's all the experience I have with ducks. So my question, 1 of my 3 girls has recently started laying. I picked up some oyster shell from the feed store, but I don't know how to give it too them. Can it be given to all the ducks? Also, I keep a bunch of food outside all day for them to eat when they like, so individual feeding isn't an option. Also, does it need to be ground up further, or can they eat it like it comes? Just seems kind of sharp and jagged to be eaten whole, but I don't know. Any advice is appreciated.
I just sprinkle it on the ground in the run, but some people prefer to offer it in it's own bowl. It shouldn't be mixed into feed. It does not need to be ground anymore. The pieces will breakdown in the grizzard.
Are you sure? They're pretty stupid. Like really stupid. Last week I moved their feed 10 feet away from where I normally put it, and I had to put it back because they weren't eating.
Are you sure? They're pretty stupid. Like really stupid. Last week I moved their feed 10 feet away from where I normally put it, and I had to put it back because they weren't eating.

If you cater to their every whim they will abuse your generosity to no end and take advantage of you... Don't confuse the fact that they are creatures of habit and smart enough to gamble on you catering to them with them being stupid they simply dislike change but will accept change when it's the only option... If you had left the food where it was, when they got hungry enough they would have found it and accepted it's new location, instead you let them play you ;)
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Thanks, I think I'll try putting some on the ground and some in a bowl. I hope they figure it out. I've had shell-less eggs every day for the last 5 days, and she ALWAYS lays it and eats it right after. Then my dog finds the slimy membrane which he brings in and deposits on the couch. Tired of cleaning it up, and the couch cushions are starting to smell despite my best efforts. It's a good thing they're cute!
I get what you mean about them being creatures of habit. But after watching the drake get in a fight with his reflection in the glass door (which got to the point where I had to fence off the back deck), I have a much better understanding of where the expression "bird brain" comes from.

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