-Pack Foxes- A Role-play

Sandflower yawned. She stood up and shook the sand from her fur, making it spray everywhere. She padded up to Namib.
"Hi Namib!" She said, in her usual, happy bright voice. "So now that you're getting closer to having your cubs, would you like us to help you dig out a new den?" Sandflower shuffled with unease, knowing that Namib was hesitant to discuss her future cubs, and even more hesitant to discuss her unfortunately deceased mate.
Cactus looked around camp, her fur bristling. She could feel a sandstorm coming on, she usually could, just before a bad one happened. "Claw!" She called, hoping to alert him of the danger.

Hey @Goldenrod1210 can you come and RP?
Namib watched Sandflower approach, then nodded gratefully at her offer. "That would be great if you guys could," she answered pleasantly, noting Sandflower's unease. She added, as an afterthought, "And it's okay if you mention my future cubs. I can't ignore that I'm pregnant, anyway," she chuckled.
Name: Moonshadow
Age: 5 winters
Rank: Just became a warrior/ vixen
Pack: Dark
Personality: Shy, somewhat ignorant of the fighting world, can seem pessimistic but it's a result of her past. She doesn't talk to others all that often because she sees her own pack as traitors to her, and lost her friends after the incident. She often deserts the pack center and simply roams, burdened by her past. On the inside there is a joyous, young, compassionate, and beautiful vixen, but it has to be uncovered.
Description: A beautiful slick shade of black, which white tone on her underbelly, hind legs, and ears. Her eyes are a gentle shade of cerulean blue. On the smaller side in terms of sizing.
Mate: Open
Pups: None
Backstory: (Character backstory here) Moonshadow wished to help her pack as soon as she was old enough to think, and became a rook at age 1. She slowly began learning fighting techniques and skills, being a quick learner. When her father was killed in a wolf attack, she became rather downcast for a period of time before her mother motivated her to train harder to honor his name. But then she died. She was caught taking a piece more than she was allowed from the food pile, and was punished by being killed. It was a piece for her children, who were home in the den, shivering and dependent. The two enraged foxes killed her on the spot, and no one helped. The attackers didn't even receive that severe a punishment, and now she feels out of place at the clan, slowly becoming more and more of a loner.
"No, I know how it is, you need to rest. I know how sweet little Sandflower was before she gave birth to my fine children. I was just trying to make talk, you know," he said casually. "I really need to catch up with who's, who and stuff you know. It is my pack. So who is the father?"

"Excellent. You know, a couple of them (no idea how many there are lol) hid in a snowbank a few days ago, and we couldn't find them for a while. Boy were we flustered!" Lemming chuckled.
Snowstalker gave a gentle laugh, before he continued simply "But none of them were lost in the attack?" That was the priority, of course the safety of the young ones. Above everything else: they were the future of the pack.
Name: Onyx
Age: 6 winters
Rank: Warrior
Pack: Dark
Personality: Wary, shy, nervous, playful when comfortable.
Mate: Open
Pups: None
Backstory: Onyx has no real story. He's been here since he was a pup and chose to be a warrior because he likes to have more freedom. As a warrior, he isn't really required to do much. Onyx hangs back often; he's not that keen to make many friends. He does like to talk, but is happiest only knowing one to three other foxes on a personal level.
Onyx has always been fantastic with kits, as he finds them to be far more entertaining than adults.

Name: Onyx
Age: 6 winters
Rank: Warrior
Pack: Dark
Personality: Wary, shy, nervous, playful when comfortable.
Mate: Open
Pups: None
Backstory: Onyx has no real story. He's been here since he was a pup and chose to be a warrior because he likes to have more freedom. As a warrior, he isn't really required to do much. Onyx hangs back often; he's not that keen to make many friends. He does like to talk, but is happiest only knowing one to three other foxes on a personal level.
Onyx has always been fantastic with kits, as he finds them to be far more entertaining than adults.

(Want to RP some?)
Onyx padded up to Moonshadow, offering a soft, "Hey, how are you?" He held back, in case she wanted him to leave.
Moonshadow was surprised to have someone approach after all that had happened in her past, she had been seen as an outcast with her siblings. She continued walking out towards the deep woods, but at a pace so he could follow. She found herself lying as she responded with a hint of forced enthusiasm "I'm good. How are you?" However, the last question was genuine, she did care, which seemed counteractive: few cared for her.
Moonshadow was surprised to have someone approach after all that had happened in her past, she had been seen as an outcast with her siblings. She continued walking out towards the deep woods, but at a pace so he could follow. She found herself lying as she responded with a hint of forced enthusiasm "I'm good. How are you?" However, the last question was genuine, she did care, which seemed counteractive: few cared for her.
Onyx caught up, following her. "I'm doing okay, not gonna lie" he responded.
Onyx caught up, following her. "I'm doing okay, not gonna lie" he responded.
Moonshadow knew he had caught her, and sighed heavily, clearly burdened by something. She began trying to speak, only being halted as she realized she didn't know what to say. And did he truly care? A gentle tear rolled down her fur, on the opposite side of her face, the one he couldn't see, as she questioned him gently "I don't know why I'm still here...I don't belong in the pack, and the others have made it clear."
Moonshadow knew he had caught her, and sighed heavily, clearly burdened by something. She began trying to speak, only being halted as she realized she didn't know what to say. And did he truly care? A gentle tear rolled down her fur, on the opposite side of her face, the one he couldn't see, as she questioned him gently "I don't know why I'm still here...I don't belong in the pack, and the others have made it clear."
Onyx gently cut her off, stepping sideways in front of her. "Hey," he whispered, "don't think like that. Maybe others are bullies but I'm not, and I'd like you to stick around."

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