paint color inside coop walls - chicken preference??

My kids want their coop to be multi colored like the Miley Cyrus movie. They didn't like the movie, but have talked about the coop for months. I wish I could find a picture of it. They are so good with the flock that I would let them do it.
I'm still a novice with 6 one year old hen's raised from 3 days old. But for what its worth.. my observations have been that my girls have accepted anything present in their new surroundings from brooder, to larger brooder to their permanent home as long as it was in place before they moved in. Anything new introduced is approached with suspicion and a reaction like the appearance of the monolith in 2001 Space odyssey. They act upset at first, then curious, and finally the bravest challenge the new item and then find things most useful….even treat balls or hanging treat baskets, nest curtains. Their reactions become more pronounced as they become teenagers with high hormone swings. So, my advice would be paint, decorate however pleases you before you move them in and they will ignore your artwork and continue the same colors if you have to redecorate. I painted the coop interior with left over interior eggshell latex paint from my house
and added nest curtains made from denim blue jeans. And they are very happy with the decor.
Nest curtains? Can you post a picture of that?
Sure, here's the pics. First 2 were before they started laying…fake eggs in nest. I just cut slits up a leg off an old pair of jeans and stapled it above the nests. 3rd is recent photo, 2 of my gals helping me on coop cleaning day. I stapled a velcro strip to the board over their nests and sewed the other loop strip to the jeans for easy changes. Much easier to replace with new curtains when they get soiled. Oh, and the colors in coop are Croissant on the walls and Palm Green in the nests. Croissant has worked out well, the few splatters that do land on the inside of the walls barely shows up don't ya think?

I picked up a gallon from the "oops" sale paint at lowes today for the inside of my coop. It's called "Touch of lemon". What a bargain...thanks for the suggestion!
I picked up a 5 gallon bucket of latex exterior oops paint for $30 that was white. I don't know why it was on the oops rack but it was regularly over $125. I bought a quart of the same paint in the darkest purple they could mix up. I used the white for the inside and and first coat on the outside. I will tint the rest with the purple to make lavender for the final outside color.
The "white" might of had a slight tint in it so it wasn't a true white. Good deal though!
Even after reading all these post. I still don't have an idea what to paint the inside of my coop...If it weren't for the girls I would go with a more neutral color...But something tells me go hot pink. Well here we go again...Decisions decisions

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