Huh, very interesting. I know nothing about chicken genetics at this time. I do have 2 eggs labeled as cuckoo silkie in my bator right now. I wonder what's in there?! I hope they hatch!

Again, very interesting posts on this site. So, so much to learn!
isn't that the point of having sex-link anything?

just thought if you can have other sex link chickens (red, black, buff, etc) why not silkies? i dunno, just thought it would be neat to say "oh, i see you have black sex-links. i have sex link silkies!"

but i guess your right. for actual breeders it would be kinds pointless. i still think the cuckoo silkies are gorgeous. black are still my favorite silkies though.
i've always liked crossing two breeds just to see what i get. I've got a bunch of phoenix chicks. i wonder what a phoenix/silkie cross would look like. too bad i don't have any silkies
I remember reading somewhere that White Silkies were the original color. All others were man-made. If I remember correctly I think it was PouletsDeCajun that said it? If not, I don't remember where I read it...
Not a sex link. I think you would just get crele in color

I agree with nzpouter
Female cuckoo, red male = sex linked offspring.

Unless I'm mistaken crele is cuckoo or barring on wild type birds.​
I apoligize but if you bred the other way around useing a barred roo, I think you would get crele. If I'm not mistaken in most barred breeds the male has a double gene. This might be why you get sex links the other way round. Again I dont claim to be a silkie expert and I will not argue that white came first but I think in that case it might make it a bit easier. Thanks for pointing out the mistakes and things I should be a bit clearer on.
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