I just found this thread and I'm a bit baffled by the cuckoo subject. These are Frank and Noel. Are they cuckoo? I posted once about them and was told barred, but they were much younger then. Thanks so much!



(oh...Frank is the girl and Noel is the boy LOL Frank has a vaulted skull so the kids thought she looked like Frankenstein and Noel was hatched Christmas eve.)
Barred and cuckoo are pretty much the same thing--the genetic difference is the presence or absence of the slow feathering gene that makes the bars distinct or fuzzy on a normally feathered bird. IMO you wouldn't be able to tell the difference on silkie feathers.

In both cases the birds have white stripes on otherwise black feathers. You can imagine the difference as barred being drawn with a marker or ballpoint using a straight edge, and cuckoo as being drawn freehand with a crayon.

As for gender and names, Frank can be Frankie and simply change the pronunciation of Noel; it was my FIL's name. I wanted to use it in one of our son's names; DH didn't. However BIL used it for his youngest DD's middle name--with the pronunciation change, lol.
Of course, it's difficult to say what something is worth. It really comes down to how much is it worth to you. No, I wouldn't pay that much for the pair...but that's probably because I couldn't!!
I don't know what I would pay if I had plenty of $$.

I will say after speaking with the seller, these birds take a LOT of time to breed because they don't breed "true". From this pair, you will get about 50% paint and 50% black or white. The black or white pullets must then be bred back to their sire to produce paints. And as long as it takes for silkies to're talking 2-3 years just to get some breeding pairs of "paints" (personally I think they are more like appalloosas than paints). In Europe they are called "platenbont". That's about all I know about the breeding of them...I'm no genetics guru although I would like to be!! Maybe someday when I have more time to invest in the study of poultry genetics.

I've watched the person that is the high bidder on other auctions and he/she will not be denied whatever he/she bids on. I've lost out on several bids to him/her. I guess it's a lady because of the username "janepr"...but don't know for sure.

For me, just the breeding of these gorgeous birds would be an exciting adventure...not necessarily to get rich.
I would never pay that much for a silkie Sorry ! Maybe if it was a super grand champion, then okay understandable.

If they bigger than american silkies then they probably can't even be shown,

If they were to show , I am pretty sure they would be considered or marked off as a splash no matter what name was given to them, in a sanctiond show.

I don't say this to offend any one just my honest out look on them. AGAIN HOPE I DID'T OFFEND ANYONE.
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