Pale chicken


Oct 10, 2018
im looking for some advice about my sick 1 1/2yr old Barred Rock. Her comb went pale and flopped over. She still wanders around and eats and comes when called. She seems to keep her neck tucked down but will stretch if interested in something. She doesnt appear to be egg bound or have lice/mites. Back feathers are a bit shabby looking, but she isn’t mounting as of yet. I’ve started a round of dewormer to be safe. Anything else I should be looking out for?
Most likely she is molting and not laying eggs. The shabby look and pale comb indicates that. When birds go out of production, their combs will shrink and pale - because they aren't producing the hormones of actively laying birds.
This happens to all birds in their second and subsequent autumns.
Welcome to BYC. It does sound like molting. Almost all of mine are in the stages of a molt right now. Can you post a picture of her neck position? Wry neck could be a possibility. That is sometimes a neurological symptom that can happen due to vitamin E or thiamine deficiency, head injury, or seen in certain diseases that affect the brain, such as Mareks, fowl cholera, and end stage respiratory diseases. It can be common, so I would start giving a half of a vitamin B complex tablet crushed onto food, and 400 IU of vitamin E daily for a week or two to see if it helps.
Can you post a picture?

Although I also agree with the other comments, that it is likely her molt, it could be other things as well. Other possibilities include worms, lice, dehydration, or illness. A photo would help a ton with diagnosis

Its a bit hard to appreciate by the picture- but u can see she’s a bit shabby looking. Her usual upright bright red comb is pale and flopped. She can outstretch her neck, but has been keeping it rather tucked. She isn’t sedentary or hiding out. No signs of lice/mites, discharge, sneezing, swelling, or discomfort. No visible parasites in her stool but she does have dirty vent feathers. Rest of the gals are perfectly healthy. Don’t mind her green beak- she was just eating a snack.
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Its a bit hard to appreciate by the picture- but u can see she’s a bit shabby looking. Her usual upright bright red comb is pale and flopped. She can outstretch her neck, but has been keeping it rather tucked. She isn’t sedentary or hiding out. No signs of lice/mites, discharge, sneezing, swelling, or discomfort. No visible parasites in her stool but she does have dirty vent feathers. Rest of the gals are perfectly healthy. Don’t mind her green beak- she was just eating a snack.

She is tired. Get her some B complex liquid and give a couple of days.

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