Hello all! I have an Ancona hen (Florence) who is about 6 months old and has been laying for about a month now. Four days ago she laid a very soft-shelled egg, and hasn't laid since. She typically lays for 3-4 days in a row, takes a day off, then resumes, so this is not her norm. Other than the most recent egg, all of her eggs have nice firm shells and are perfectly formed. The day after the soft egg she spent all day inside the coop up on the roost. She has been outside with the rest of the girls (she is one of 8) and has seemed basically normal the past couple of days. No one else is behaving unusually, and the 4 other girls who are laying are laying normal eggs. Today I noticed that Florence's comb has turned very pale. I don't see any visible signs of parasites, and she is very flighty so it's impossible to catch and examine her closely. I can sneak up on her once she goes to roost in the coop if I have to, though. I'm just looking for either a little reassurance or some ideas about what to look or watch for.