Pale face


7 Years
Oct 28, 2012
Hi, I noticed today that my hen's face looks a little pale. Other than that she seems fine. I'm wondering if she might have mites. We did have mites a while ago but I stopped treating them for it about a month ago. It's winter here now and maybe the cold is creating this? I'm not sure. Let me know your thoughts.
Yes mites can cause pallor. It's easy to check for mites just as she is on the roost in the evening, look all over but sepecially under the vent next to skin. 5% Sevin dust or permethrin dust or spray will treat it. Other causes could molting, coccidosis, or worms.
If she is missing feathers by her vent, does that mean she has mites? I can't get a good look at her until tomorrow.
Not necessarily. You will see the mite eggs and some mites will only get on the birds at night after dark. Missing feathers around the vent can mean feather picking, vent gleet, among other things. Here is some info on mites and pictures to differentiate from lice:

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