Panda, Zane's Daughter, Lays An Egg! Well, I'm 95% Sure It's Hers...


Treats all around!!
Congrats on the eggs Cyn. Panda is a beautifull little hen! And to get a green egg to boot. Nice! Im still waiting on my Welsummers to lay..they are 21 weeks now..and not even showing interest in the nest box.
Nice size, that for a first egg. Victoria-Elizabeth, Charlottes' daughter lays muddy green eggs.... more brown I'd say than yours. Though, it could be the lighting.

Good Job, Panda!!
Cyn! I am so glad I saw this.... you just solved a mystery for us. Yesterday we found a new green egg in our nest and thought how weird???? One of our EE must have started laying much later than all the others.... but NO!! I'll bet it was our one Hawkeye baby that has clean legs and a pea comb. She looks just like Panda!! here is yesterday and todays green eggs next to a normal egg and a really small one I found a couple of days ago. We must also have a new banty layer!


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