Panicked!! Wrong duck air sac size!

Yep, perfectly ok. You said you set them Friday evening? You may not see any pips until Thursday sometime.

Something you could try... if you have a good light, you can try to candle thru the wall of the incubator, and look for the air cells to be drawn down like the pics I posted in post #6 of this thread. Just if you’re curious. :D
It’s day 27 morning no pips no movement no chirps but last night I swear I heard a chirp.

That's always fun! :clap

Sometimes you can get a reaction (a wobble, a chirp, etc) by flashing your light across the eggs, or by pecking on the incubator. Some even play chirping audio to excite and encourage hatchlings.
No holes yet. Its still early! 28 days is really just a basic guideline. If your temps have been even the least bit low, they could be an extra day or so.
You said you set them Friday evening? So day 28 doesn't really even start until tomorrow evening. All day Saturday will still be day 28.

If it makes you feel better to confirm life, and to keep you from jumping the gun, you can still candle them. I'm all for assisting when they need it, but you have to have some patience first. And with the smaller air cells and excess fluid, it may take them a bit longer to absorb it all.
Well the power went out for 30minutes

That’s scary, but 30 minutes is really no problem. Think of a broody that gets off the nest every day for at least that long.

I had a 2-day power outage on my first Duck hatch. Took over 18 hours to borrow a generator and get the incubator hooked up. Temps were below zero outside and I only had the wood stove in my living room as heat. A few eggs died, but 4 still made it.
I’m not losing hope because I’ve had chickens hatch on the 29th day. But honestly what are my chances that they’re dead from what I’ve told you.
I’m not losing hope because I’ve had chickens hatch on the 29th day. But honestly what are my chances that they’re dead from what I’ve told you.
Hi Cam, I’m not a very experienced Hatcher, but a hatched duck and guinea eggs together last summer. I was so careful, I measured air cells and weights every week, had a spreadsheet with %water loss, the whole nine yards! I found that some eggs were just different, and no humidity kept all eggs on track. Then I had malllards that pipped and just sat there for two days with no signs, and Welsh Harlequin eggs that did nothing for days after that. So I was freaking out and appealing to backyard chickens posters for help. Some suggested waiting, others that I needed to intervene. I waited, and almost every egg hatched just fine; percent weight loss, air cell size, and day of pip made no difference. Patience is not my strong suit, but I did learn something about letting nature take it’s due course... Best of luck to you and your eggs!

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