Panicked!! Wrong duck air sac size!

The other egg is starting to zip. Last night it was chirping greatly. This morning it’s quieter and no much movement. Is it too busy zipping?

Once they start zipping, they shouldn’t stop for more than short pauses. I’m talking actual zip, not just multiple pips. If it starts a zip of more than an inch or so, it should continue with just minor rests between. Should finish within an hour or so. Hopefully it has hatched by now?
Now my duck has been pipped for 48 hours and it has made its pip bigger what to do


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Now my duck has been pipped for 48 hours and it has made its pip bigger what to do
I’m hoping that a more experience duck Hatcher will chime in. In my one hatch of 15 duck eggs, some took up to 60 hours from external pip to hatch. I had just hatched chickens the month before so I was sure things were going badly... In retrospect, the ducks were just different from chicks and hatched in their own way. After 48 hours from the first external pip, I did hold a duck egg in a moistened warm washcloth and gently pick at the pipped area with clean tweezers. I got some frenzied movement and cheeping from the duckling, which convinced me that she was vigorous and didn’t need my help at that time. I returned the egg to the incubator and it started zipping hours later. Zipping was also slow and different from chickens, as the ducks seemed to bash holes open in a rough ring, then finally burst out of the mashed up shell. Best of luck with your egg!

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