Paper Thin Eggs


10 Years
Jun 18, 2009
Jacksonville, FL 32210
I have one Silkie hen that lays paper thin eggs. All the others who eat the same foods and oyster grit lay perfectly find hard shells. What can I do to supplement her diet with more calcium? Is there another problem I should be looking at? I have liquid "calci-boost" but I don't know what individual dosage should be. It's too expensive to put in the water every day since it gets changed out 2 times a day minimum. Is this a one -time treatment for her or will I have to continue it forever? Any ideas??????

Oh, by the way, the other hens in the coop can't wait to break it and eat it. Yuuuucccckk! I can't be out there to stop them. I saw it happen last night. The egg had been laid less than 30 seconds and one of my other hens made a bee-line to it and broke it before I could stop her. Fortunately they have not broken any hard-shelled eggs.
Does she eat properly?? Maybe she's not getting enough food into her at all, and thats why her eggs are soft. If you set up a second feeder she might eat more, and get more calcium into her.
I am having the same problem. My soft layer is a pig and will eat all treats and keep the other hen away while see gobbles up everything.

We have a theory that she is not getting enough calcium because she fills up on treats.... So no treats anymore (for a while at least). It has been a few days but nothing has changes.

I wish you luck and if you come up with a solution please post.
What I do to give my hens more calcium is the oyster shells, of course, and I will make a scrambled egg *with* the egg shells crushed up in it. They LOVE it! Good Luck with your eggs!

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