Parakeet loves baby chicks!


Aug 26, 2019
I have some Serama chicks that im raising in my room (Rats in the garage so I can't raise them in there). But ive noticed that the parakeets I have in my room adore the babies. My male Parakeet loves to fly over to the brooder and just watch them. He chirps to them softly and occasionally will bring them some of his food. Has anyone else experienced this?
I have some Serama chicks that im raising in my room (Rats in the garage so I can't raise them in there). But ive noticed that the parakeets I have in my room adore the babies. My male Parakeet loves to fly over to the brooder and just watch them. He chirps to them softly and occasionally will bring them some of his food. Has anyone else experienced this?

Not with the chicks, but my Indian Ring-necked parakeet loves my Rainbow Lorikeet and will fly over to hang out on his cage. Maybe it’s a parrot thing or just a bird thing. Either way, it’s adorable. Maybe your boy thinks your Seramas are his babies :love .
Not with the chicks, but my Indian Ring-necked parakeet loves my Rainbow Lorikeet and will fly over to hang out on his cage. Maybe it’s a parrot thing or just a bird thing. Either way, it’s adorable. Maybe your boy thinks your Seramas are his babies :love .
He’s done it before to other chicks I’ve raised but he’s really taken a liking to them.
I have some Serama chicks that im raising in my room (Rats in the garage so I can't raise them in there). But ive noticed that the parakeets I have in my room adore the babies. My male Parakeet loves to fly over to the brooder and just watch them. He chirps to them softly and occasionally will bring them some of his food. Has anyone else experienced this?
Oh how sweet is that!
I just thought I’d update this. I got some ducklings a week ago and Tiki is ecstatic about them. As soon as he heard the chirping coming from the box he flew over to me so excited. When I set up the brooder in my room he flew right over with some food in his mouth and dropped it in there for them. At first the duckling were scared of him but now they’re best friends. I even caught him sleeping with the ducklings. I’ll try to get a picture of him sleeping with them to share.

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