Parakeet showed up in my back yard! Need Advice

It will probably die unless someone catches it soon. Gender is determined by the color of the cere - all parakeets have Ceres. In most colors, a mature male will have a blue cere and females a brownish/pink rusty cere.

I'm sorry to hear about your dog. Losing a pet is never easy. :hugs
Ask around for a cage from friends or Neigbors. Place food and water there for a week if you can get close when he's in close the door if not rig a string to the door.
I'm so sorry about your dog. :( I had to have my dog put down and it helped me to think that at least she had a full lifespan and didn't get taken young. I'd sort of known that one day I'd lose her. It doesn't make it any easier when that day comes, but at least it isn't a huge shock.
So a parakeet isn't really what I had in mind as my next pet, if I decide to even get anymore pets, that is.
If you catch and cage it and bring it indoors, you don't have to keep it. If you don't find its owner, somebody will adopt him if you put him up for adoption. They are fabulous little birds, real little characters. Somebody will want him, I'm sure.
I also wonder if the parakeet will have the sense to fly south when the weather is starts to get cold. If it was a pet I don't know if it would, OR instinct could take over. Not sure. I do know that if it stays here it will die with the cold winters we have here. Any comments about that anyone??
I don't know anything much about migration. I just have pet birds and most of the birds around here seem to be here all year round.

Anyway, I think migration is done in flocks, isn't it? They all go together and stick together so they don't get eaten/attacked/whatever. He's got no flock. He's also not "local" insofar as escaping from snow goes. If he's been a pet, he won't have the slightest clue about the requirements of surviving in the wild, including moving somewhere warmer. What do the bluejays and starlings and those other birds do? Do they migrate?

This article suggests they migrate the other way around, I've no clue what that means for a bird completely on his own and in a different hemisphere to "home", but it doesn't sound like he'd know what to do.

Although he's been ok so far with the small birds, it just takes one bigger bird with an attitude problem and he'll be history. I really would try to get him inside and safe.
Very sorry to hear about your dog, it's never easy no matter what to say goodbye to a beloved pet.

Not 100% sure but I don't think escaped domesticated birds really have an instinct to migrate so it'll likely stay where it can find some food and shelter (your house).

If you catch and cage it and bring it indoors, you don't have to keep it. If you don't find its owner, somebody will adopt him if you put him up for adoption. They are fabulous little birds, real little characters. Somebody will want him, I'm sure.

I agree with this, if you can't keep it or don't want it (don't feel bad about it if you don't, a parakeet isn't the pet for everyone) you can still catch it and then find a new home for it. Some animal shelters will accept birds so you can try calling around to see if there's one nearby that will take it. If not, you can put up an ad, maybe at your local pet store, and find it a new home for it.
Thank you all for responding. I saw Budgie (my name for it) right up through yesterday but I haven't seen him so far this morning. I did put my 16 yr. old Beagle, Jake, down yesterday (and I'm still crying as I type this, AGAIN). It was just horrific! I ended up going alone as my son and husband refused to go. I know I did the right thing for him but I don't know then why I feel so bad. The whole hour from 12:30 (his appt. time) to 1:00 when I left there keeps playing over and over in my mind, how he was alive one minute and dead in 1 second, it was so fast and I held him while it was done. So painful and I don't know when it will fade. Everything I do around the house always involved him, from putting water in the coffee pot, which I would always top his water bowl off constantly because he drank a lot of water to sitting in the parlor where his bed was and now the carpet is different there right to side of where I sit. I keep smelling him too. This is just awful! I got him at 8 weeks old, flew him from Arkansas to MA and he was with use ever since everywhere we went I miss him and my heart is breaking and I keep having these crying fits every couple of hours. I wish I didn't go in the room with him now I think because I can't stop thinking about that. Sorry everone for unloading on you all.
Oh, yeah, I'm going to go outside now and see if I can find Budgie. I think that when I call him, he seems to show up and fly over me and land somewhere. I hope he is still out there. I need to make a decision soon as to what we are going to do about him. I guess I'll have a little more time on my hands now that my Jake is gone to do that By the way, I lost my job on July1 so I got to spend the last days with Jake at home all day taking care of him so I guess that's a good thing - - not losing the job part, but not having to leave the house every day since Jake always wanted me with him. He followed ME all the time even to the bathroom, even before he got really sick.
I am so sorry. Not very good with words, though. :hugs

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