Paralyzed dog is walking by himself!!!

The dog got a massive IV steroid dose within an hour of when it happened. That is the standard treatment for spinal trauma from what I've read.

If they could have found the exact injury site, the neurosurgeon would have scraped out some vertebral cartilege to give the injured cord some relief from the swelling.
Yes, standard treatment, but you have to remember it takes time for the swelling to go down. Could take a week or two before you see major results.
I surely hope that the prompt care by the owner and the vet will speed the total recovery of the dog.

I have two doxies and this is a worry for me. I have ramps for the furniture and steps. I hate it when bad accidents happen.
I just got some good news this morning... Zippy is able to sit up a little by himself. Before his front legs were rigid from the swelling moving up the spinal cord, so that has improved overnight. Before he could only lift his head, not move his shoulders.

He is also just this morning starting to be able to support himself very slightly with one hind leg when they stand him up! His back end is NOT rag-doll limp like it has been. That is BIG progress.

You know, I felt really optimistic about it early this morning. Must be in harmony with the universe today.

Edited because I'm too excited to make proper sense.
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That is awesome news.

prompt med attention is mandatory in back injuries.

The prev owner of my doxie Shelby, hurt her back jumping off a chair. She also couldn't move. They decided to wait & see. They put her in her bed for a few days and took her out to potty. I was apalled at this info when I talked to the prev owner..I needed some prior medical information and the shelter gave me the ladies phone #. Luckily Shelby turned out ok, but she has a small arch in her back and her back feet sometimes cross when she walks. I have her on glucosamine/Chrondrioton/MSM supplements
i had to put one of my dachshunds down last year, he went down all the way, he was on steroids, muscle relaxers and pain relievers, nothing worked, surgery was out of the question, i know people that have payed $7000 and still have a cripple, he was so depressed and he couldn't relieve hinself, it was a tough thing to do but i put him down, my poor little charlie just layed in my arms as he went to sleep, life is never fair and won't ever be, you just deal with it:(
I am glad to read your most recent posts regarding your friends dog. My dog Molly, a pit/lab x hurt her back chasing a tennis ball -and we feared that it was going to be the end for our sweet girl. Within an hour of the accident we were at the vets office and he dosed her with steroids to prevent further inflammation.

Her prognosis was poor, as she had ruptured a disk, however, within 5 days she had regained some of her mobility in the hind end. The first days were not easy - when she needed to go out, we used a towel as a sling to help her walk.

Eventually, she managed a gate that was like that of a horse's canter. We were blessed to have her in our lives for another 3 years!

Best wishes!
Thanks for the new posts, everyone!

The update is the MRI shows that a disk indeed ruptured and some of the material likely pushed against the cord, but none of the fiberous material from the disk penetrated the cord. At this point the neurologist thinks is a bruise of the spinal cord and it may fully heal!

Yesterday the prognosis was grim, today it's pretty good.


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