Parkinglot Chickens

They are not good layers but make good mothers. I am glad you saved them from the Safeway parking lot!

About your coop-- you need a structure they can go into to get out of the elements, and the wire floor of what you have now could hurt them. Best to put some type of bedding over it so they can scratch around at will.
They are not good layers but make good mothers. I am glad you saved them from the Safeway parking lot!

About your coop-- you need a structure they can go into to get out of the elements, and the wire floor of what you have now could hurt them. Best to put some type of bedding over it so they can scratch around at will.
Its only a temporary house for her, but we did put a tarp over half so she could get out of the sun/rain/wind. I think we'll quarantine her away from the flock for 4 or 5 weeks, just want to make sure she isn't bringing in anything bad. I will definitely put down some bedding for her, I'm sure that would be far more comfy to walk on. The tractor was made for meat birds, so i didn't really figure they'd be doing too much walking.

On another note, the rooster did come back! He's made himself at home in my neighbors blackberry bush infested drainage ditch. Luckily the neighbor doesn't really care, as he used to have chickens. Plus we brought him a couple dozen eggs...

We tried to catch the rooster again, but that rooster just does not want to be captured! We got close, but then he diapered AGAIN. We still hear him crowing every now and then, so maybe there's still hope.

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