Part of Wattles Torn Right Off


May 18, 2021
Orange County, NY
My poor dude somehow got the ends of his wattles torn right off! He was a bloody mess when I found him. He's now isolated in our garage. I've cleaned him up and applied blu-kote (yesterday) but would like to know a few things now that we're trying to heal up:

What are signs of infection? If I notice anything infection-wise, what can I do to alleviate any issues?
When can I reintegrate him with the ladies? Is 1.5 days enough or should I wait a couple of days?

Pics are form yesterday after injury:

This happens sometimes. Those are some large wattles, so could have caught them on something. Once they bleed then others may have pecked at them making it worse. They usually heal up well. I would keep him separate as long as bleeding or pecking is an issue, so as not to make it worse. Once bleeding is stopped and scabs are formed he may be fine back with the flock, just make sure he isn't getting pecked and having them reinjured. Usually infection would be indicated by swelling and redness more than the trauma would indicate, or by any bad odor, or any pus accumulation. I've had combs and wattles torn and just put a dab of plain neosporin on them once the bleeding was stopped (there is a lot of blood vessels in the comb and wattles and they can bleed a LOT!). I've never had one get infected. Since those are large wattles and may get into food and water when he eats and drinks, I'd just keep an eye on them. They usually heal up pretty quickly.
This happens sometimes. Those are some large wattles, so could have caught them on something. Once they bleed then others may have pecked at them making it worse. They usually heal up well. I would keep him separate as long as bleeding or pecking is an issue, so as not to make it worse. Once bleeding is stopped and scabs are formed he may be fine back with the flock, just make sure he isn't getting pecked and having them reinjured. Usually infection would be indicated by swelling and redness more than the trauma would indicate, or by any bad odor, or any pus accumulation. I've had combs and wattles torn and just put a dab of plain neosporin on them once the bleeding was stopped (there is a lot of blood vessels in the comb and wattles and they can bleed a LOT!). I've never had one get infected. Since those are large wattles and may get into food and water when he eats and drinks, I'd just keep an eye on them. They usually heal up pretty quickly.
Thank you, coach. One of his wattles seems to be a bit swollen/tender at this time but I think it looks to be part of the healing process. I will be keeping him isolated for one more day though so as to not irritate what's healing up right now.

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