Partridge cochin and EE questions of gender........

Chris is defenatly a little boy, I have one who looks just like him he should have his full plumage and coloring by about 9 months of age, he will start to crow soon. My boy hasnt yet, hmm I dont think LOL but hes sure trying to do his deed! He is a Bantam Partridge, SOOO pretty!!! I love all the colors on them like a barnyard rooster lol
Well the jury is out on Shirley but I am glad you all are thinking pullet. Chris is now more aptly named Roger the roo. He is quite proud of his little crow which started last week. He is a cute little dickens though so he may get to stay with the girls. Thanks for all the comments!

Does anyone know what Shirly's color pattern is called? My EE looks almost exactly like her and I have been trying to find out for ages what that pattern is called.
Chris is a roo; if Shirley isn't a hen, it would be a more feminine looking roo. Shirley's body looks more hen-like but the face looks very much like a roo to me.

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